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Hey all while fishing Farmington Pond in early November I had a fishing partner join me for a couple hours and he sure was a nosey one. The entire time he just wanted to yap about nothing I understood. Though he was very comfy with me and didn't leave my side by more then three feet the entire day...
I think he may have been depressed about not catching any fish himself and just wanted to squack at someone else...
But it makes me curious what are your favorite memories of un expected fishing partners? This can be fun if enough people tell us of their experiences over the years.
PS. The "Partner" was not fed or anything, and ALL trash that seems to be around was picked up and carried out like always...!
Have a great day and Good luck out there. Be Smart!
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I have one, and we still laugh about it today.
A number of years ago me and my brother were hunting cow elk on Fish Lake. Our hunt had been a bit slow, so we decided to take a break and go do a bit of ice fishing on Mill Meadow. There wasn't another person fishing the lake. We picked a spot, drilled some holes, and started fishing. After a while a truck came driving down on the same point we were fishing. A man got out, unloaded his gear and began walking out towards us. He said "hi" and drilled a hole. He started fishing about 10 ft from us. That wasn't the weird, or funny part. It was when he introduced himself when things got funny. The conversation went something like this:
"Hello. I'm the Pikeman. I used to hold the state record for pike."
We didn't stick around long. But we still find it funny that this person could have fished anywhere on the lake, but chose to setup within spitting distance of the only other 2 people on the lake. He never did tell us his real name. He will forever only be known as "The Pikeman".
I shot a cow elk about an hour later.
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That's too funny.
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Years ago I used to fish the upper reaches of the Bear River. My habit was to wade the shallows and went I caught a keeper I would throw it up on the bank and retrieve it when I moved on, I didn't have a creel in them days, only a willow branch with a fork in it. Well, this time when I crawled out to get a nice brown I had thrown on the bank I came face to face with a mother skunk and 4 little ones eating my fish! Guess I should say their fish, "cause I moved on without it. That made me re think my way of doing things.
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Well, mine isn't of an unexpected partner, but it was a fun memory.
My very first time fishing was on a family trip to Strawberry. I think I was only about 8 or 9. Now, I'm a weird little girl, and I like boy-ish things, so I was soooo excited!
While I don't remember every little detail, I do remember that I was annoyed at my dad that he wouldn't let me bait the hook, or take the fish off. He just let me hold the pole and reel it in (later I did get to hold the fish (rainbow trout) for a picture...which I have since lost! *cry*)
Now that I'm older, I figure he didn't want me messing with the hook that I might hurt myself. But of course at the time, I was just an excited kid and wanted to do everything "all by myself" LOL
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I was out at Willow pond checking out flies. I looked down to my right and in the long grass next to the pond was a little gray mouse. He started to move towards my sling which I laid on the ground next to my left foot.
Well, realizing it could be carrying all sorts of desease, I scooted my right foot and he ran back in the grass.
He tried this three more times with me moving my foot.
Finally, I hear this little splash, and there is this mouse swimming about a foot out in front of me. He swam across then swam back in and got out in the long grass to my left. All I could think about is "why did the chicken cross the road....."[laugh]
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A few years ago we were fishing on the Jordan River for cat fish. We had caught a nice one and it was laying on the bank. I noticed movement and looked up to see a mink stealing the cat fish. I tried to shoo it away but it wouldn't have any on that so I let it have the fish. It really was a brazen little fellow.
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Mink are jerks when they know you've got fish. when I was younger I was fishing with my grandpa on the river near Coalville. we had a couple fish on a stringer sitting in the water when I heard the stringer rattling. It was a mink and he was halfway through gnawing the head off of one of our fish. We let him finish gnawing through and take the one he had already chewed up before I chased him away.
Also last summer I was fishing for bass at Mantua on the north side of the hill and I kept hearing rustling in the grasses next to me. After a while the rustler got up enough nerve to come out and say hello. A weasel! He hung out for probably 20 minutes just watching me fish. He'd try to get close then see me take a look at him then he'd run off then try to get close again then I'd look at him and he'd be off again.
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I had the same thing with a guy setting up to fish right next to us. He started out about 50 yards away, every time we caught a fish he would move about 10 yards closer and drill another hole. Finally I pulled up a fish and walked into the ice tent to show the wife. When I came back out the dude had his line down "my hole". He seemed almost shocked that I actually had the nerve to want my own hole back. I think the guy had been drinking quite a bit so I let it be and just drilled another hole and started fishing. Funny thing is he didn't catch any fish and I was catching them in my new hole I drilled. He seemed pretty upset. Some people are nuts.
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One other one was out in the middle of a lake:
Hard to tell, but it is a bat trying to climb aboard my toon
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I had a good unexpected fishing partner on the Weber a few years back, I was fishing near Peterson and I had worked up river to one of my good spots, there was a guy fishing above my hole and I was nailing them in my spot, I kept an eye on the guy to see if he was having any luck and I didn't see him hook anything.
After awhile of fishing he starts working his way down to me to ask what I am using, I informed him what flies I was using and he stated that he had never heard of the flies and that he was new to flyfishing, I asked if I could see his set up and he handed me his rod, I can't remember what he was using but it was some god awful creation that some shop sold hi,
I asked if I could rig his rod up and he let me have at it, I tied on some flies and explained the method, put on some split shot and gave him a lesson in the spot I was fishing, must've been his second cast and I gave him a "Fish, set the hook" and he was into a Weber brown, so he hung out with me the rest of the day and we fished the river, I remember him getting a phone call from the GF or wife and he sounded so happy, he told her he was finally catching fish and would be late. That was a great memory of a happy fisherman who was finally starting to "get it". I can only imagine he is still fly fishing.
Anyways I had a great day and hopefully helped someone start on a lifelong fishing journey.
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Last spring, I was flinging flies into Willow Pond, having some success, when this very pretty little girl showed up and asked me what I was doing. She was all of 5 or 6 years old.
I told her that I was fly fishing. She just said oh and thought for a minute or so. She then proceeded to put her hand on her hips, and kinda defiantly said, "Well, my daddy fishes for trout", and promptly walked away. Thought I would laugh til I was sick.
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LMAO...People just don't get -how hard it is to catch flies with that skinny fly swatter!!!!![laugh]
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While stomping back to the vehicle along the edge of the Smithmorehouse creek as it was getting dark, I almost bumped into a huge bull moose literally. The foliage in front of me parted, after I came to my senses I continued slowly making as much noise as I could above the sound of the creek, I could tell the bull was across the creek from me and was keeping pace with me for a hundred yards or so before disappearing into the timber. Will not go out without a headlamp from that moment on.
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Only a little "strange" But in a fun way...
My friend and I were bank fishing Strawberry a long time ago, around the time Powerbait first came out, We set up about 50 or 60 yards from the only guy on this part of the shore. We were useing the orignal powerbait and started to catch a few right away, by the time we had landed 2 or 3 the old guy down the shore had moved into about 20 yards from us. Got 2 more in about 10 minutes and the old guy moved even closer. We had been munching on some cinnimon gummy bears, and had the bag of candy on top of the tackle box. The old timer finaly walked over and said hello and asked what we were useing, With a straight face my friend said "Cinnimon gummy bears!" The look on the guys face was priceless!!! Kind of shocked, or dumbfounded... He he said right back without missing a beat, "Could I buy a hand full of them from you!" We both bust out laughing and about fell over! We told him we were sorry for the joke and told him the truth, that it was "That new stuff called powerbait" and gave him the rest of the bottle we were useing and showed him how we were rigging it... He fished with us the rest of the day and caught a limit of fatties and we all couldn't stop laughing about the Gummy Bears!!! He was a good sport and a super nice guy! It was one of the best ways I ever met a new fishing buddy! [laugh]
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I was fishing for catfish on one of the creeks that flows into Utah lake. Walking the bank checking for holes that would work. There was a little clump of grass sticking out into the creek looked strong enough to stand on, so I hopped down onto it and started fishing.
I noticed movement out of my peripheral vision, lots of movement around my feet remember looking down once or twice and seeing nothing, to interested in fishing I guess.I noticed it again and this time I focused on what was going on, it must have been 50 to 75 little baby garter snakes milling all over the place.
Not that they would do anything , but it creeped me out thinking I had been standing there that long . I quickly moved onto the next hole watching the ground with every step
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Thats an awesome story. Too many times I see people struggle. they ask people a few questions and get the cold shoulder. To set his line up and show him a few technics is awesome. hopefully he will share his new found knowledge in the future.
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My scariest fishing partner happen a good while ago, I was probably about 15. (Like I said it was a long, long, long time ago!)
We were up in British Columbia above Price Rupert on a stream somewhere way back in the boonies. We had traveled probably 50 miles on a small dirt road to get up in there. We hadn't passed a house or a side road for at least 30 miles, so this was pretty wild country.
My brother and brother-in-law went a ways downstream to start up and I fished upstream ahead of them. About an hour later above the sound of the water, I heard a branch snap across the stream. That made me nervous and I moved quite a ways further up. I heard another stealthy branch snap. So I yelled that if that was my brother I was going to kill him! There wasn't any answer so I moved again. By now I was really getting spooked.
It had followed me again and I heard it. Now I scrambled up the bank and was looking for a good tree, with visions of monster grizzlies dancing through my head.
When I reached the top of the bank I paused and listened closely ---nothing. I couldn't stand it anymore so I picked up a nice tennis ball sized rock, and I let it fly into the bushes across the stream. All **** broke loose! There was a veritable roar of crashing brush as something big and black came through the brush. I about had a heart attack, and I was half way up a tree when I got a good look!
I had been stalked by a cow!!!
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When I was about 11 or 12, my Dad, brother and I were fishing on the Okanagon River in Washington. My Dad had been catching carp and throwing them on the bank behind us. He went down stream to check on my brother while I sat there listening to the fish flop around in the dead leaves. After awhile, the fish stopped flopping then started up again. I turned around to see what was going on and there was a HUGE bull snake about 6 feet long.[shocked] At least I think it was a bull snake, I didn't stick around to long!
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[font "Times New Roman"]About 5 years ago (it was the end of July) and I was fishing the upper part of the blacksmith Fork river. I had to go thru some Moo cows that where just off the road near north cottonwood, when I found one of the cows weren’t like the others. A Spike elk had been adopted by one of the cows in the summer and he thought he was a cow! I watched him for a month every time I went fishing. He really thought he was just one of the cows. [crazy][/font]