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So when I start drilling, the auger "wanders" around the ice then slowly makes its way down, still wandering and not cutting a clean round hole. I was having this problem last season but is seams worse this season even with new blades. I feel like I've taken good care not to bang the tip around but somehow it must have got knocked because it feels so out of alignment. Any suggestions for a fix?
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I had the same problem, but I realized that I wasn't putting enough straight down force on the auger, which caused it to wander. I also had to concentrate on keeping my auger straight up and down as it made its revolutions. It kind of seems that if you're doing it right, you're arms will get a good work out.
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what kind of blades did you buy? Quality blades are a MUST. If you have cheap blades, expect your hand auger to fight you.
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Some hand augers use to come with little metal shims that are maybe 1/4 x 1 in. that fit between the auger blades and the auger. They are placed between the mount bolts. I have kept a set of these down thru the years and when I purchase a new hand auger and it doesn't seem to cut as well as I think it should I install a pair of them, sometimes it helps big time. The last hand auger I bought a few years ago at Cabelas was made by Strike Master and it cuts like a champ right out of the box. The litle wife bought me a Strike Master Lazer Mag power auger for Christmas It is by far the best power auger I have ever used.
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Two years ago I went out and bought an Eskimo auger out of the box it would drill a hole but it took lots of effort. I decided to take it back and I went and bought a Strike master laser out of the box it cuts holes like a champ with little downward pressure. I have also heared really good things about an auger called Nils.
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What brand is your hand auger?
If you are using new blades and it's still not working well something must be out of alignment, wrong angle on the blades or you have poor quality blades.
I have a hand auger made by Strikemaster (Mora) that I have used for 20+ years. I replace the blades about once every three years and it works great. I will be replacing them much less now that I have a ProLazer Mag power auger from Strikemaster, which has also been a great. I still like to use my hand auger when the ice is less than a foot thick and especially when fishing shallow.
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Other than what has already been mentioned, here is what I've discovered:
1. Buy a good hand auger.
2. Straight up and down.
3. Figure out the right amount of pressure for your auger. Not all are the same.
4. Slow turns are better than fast turns. When I first started out. I found that turning too fast caused the same problems you're experiencing.
Hope this helps...good luck drillin' and fishin'!
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!
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A while back I had an Eskimo Hand auger. It worked ok for a while, and i cared for it well, but then it was more of a decoration than a tool. It wobbled and made slush, but not much else. I now have a strikemaster and it works great. I do like the eskimo power augers, but I have yet to be impressed by a hand auger.
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I have 2 thoughts about your auger.
First, does it have a center point?
If it does, is it sharp?
Second, I had an Eskimo 8" hand auger and even with new blades, it was hard to use and didn't drill very well.
I gave it away and purchased a Strikemaster Mora 7"
I can't believe how much better it is.
If you have an Eskimo, get rid of it and buy a Strikemaster.
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Are the handles offset, or is your auger set up like a brace and bit drill. If you drill with both hands moving, a brace and bit, or in-line, auger will struggle to cut a hole. If you drill with one arm with off-set augers, you'll get nowhere fast, even with brand new blades. Make sure you are using your auger the way it was designed. Have someone watch you drill. If the shaft of the auger is wobbling, you're doing it wrong. If the shaft is leaning to one side instead of straight and true, you're doing it wrong.
I've got a twenty year old Mora, with blades that are at least 12 years old. Still cuts like a champ. I've got a Laser that has blades that are probably 6 years old that are cutting like new. Take care of them. Don't bang them on the ice. Spray them with Pam or WD40 after each season.
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My hand auger is an Eskimo. However, I ONLY purchase Mora blades.
I doubt the issue is the brand of auger. The issue is the blades. They are one of the following:
1. Wrong size
2. Cheap
3. Dull
4. installed incorrectly.
If the auger ever worked, the the problem most likely isn't the auger -- unless you've somehow bent it.
check your blades. Even if they are new, they are the most likely culprit for your problems.
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Excellent comments by Fishrmn!
I had and Eskimo, and a Barracuda. Man, how I hated those augers! Almost killed myself getting holes drilled. I'd watch others drill holes with much less effort than I was putting in. Finally I asked to try one of those magical blue augers, and ice fishing has been so much better. I even move around and drill more holes now!
Now I have a 8",7", and 6" Mora auger, and an 8" NILS.
The Mora's are inline so I hold the top handle as staionary as possible. Using my dominant hand on top helps minimize the wander factor. Might help you also.
Last year I ruined a 7" Mora. Foot slipped and I fell against the auger and bent it. It never worked again. It "wandered", like you describe. Perhaps your auger shaft is bent.
The NILS is offset, and a pure joy to use. Just turn with both hads and it chews right throught the ice. Very little downward preassure needed. I used to watch old men kick my butt at drilling holes. Now I know how....NILS! My 8" NILS is by far easier to use than my 6" Mora.
Mora and NILS are worth the extra money in my opinion.
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Great suggestions guys. Thanks. I guess I should have given a few more details. It is an 8" Strikemaster that I have had for 7 going on 8 years and it has performed great until this last season so I broke down and got new blades. Got the only ones available at Sportsmans and they look identical to the originals and (looking at them now) they seem VERY sharp still. I am possitive they are installed correctly, however I am curious about the shim idea. It just seems that I get little initial "dig", like they are situated more flat on the ice than before so maybe a shim to angle them a little more might do the trick.
Believe me, I WILL get a power auger(got the Strikemaster Electric in mind) but probably not likely this season. Got too many holes to drill any more with my boys.
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If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for your NILS?