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Ok I have been kinda harsh on the fish and game and some of you also. Im just really passionate about the fishing in utah,I have fished in many waters from the harris chain to the delta in california. We take what we have here for granted for lack of a better word we just dont have the water. Its not the fish and games fault, although they dont have the skills or the money that the other states do ,they do their best,one thing that they could do better is communicate better to the public,that might help all understand why we dont need every kinda of fish in every lake. I could go into why some lakes do better than others but that would not serve the purpose here. Here is where I stand I DO NOT CONDONE THE TRANSFERRING OF FISH FROM ONE BODY OF WATER TO ANOTHER!! Ya I would love bass in every water in the state,but I wont condone that,we need to have a better relationship with the dwr and let them set the expectations .. The bottom line is we have a great resource here and we dont do anything but bitch on it this is a forum to bring all of us together but nobody wants to step up to the plate
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Don't have the skills? I beg to differ. The Utah DWR does a magnificent job managing our limited water. Just tough trying to keep everybody happy.
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I've got to respond to this, you say we just don't have the water or the resources. I beg to differ, we have excellent opportunities in Utah to catch many different species of fish! The dwr does a great job of managing these waters and a great job of trying to get anglers the oppurtunity to catch and harvest these fish. I have had nothing but great experiences fishing here and have caught many many different species just in northern Utah. I say go back to California if you're not happy 
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[quote zman2] and we dont do anything but bitch on it this is a forum to bring all of us together but nobody wants to step up to the plate[/quote]
Huh??? Um...what posts have you selectively reading???
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[mad]Im just trying to give those of you that have blinders on a different view not wanting to make enemies just looking at it from a local stand point,,oh by the way i grew up here,, I have caught brookies where wallmart in riverdale now stands , rainbows and cutts as long as your leg in the rivers around here,,fished strawberry on opening morning ,, most of you dont rember that there was once a season on fishing here boats as far as you could see and yes you could walk across them. so dont tell me something i know allready. ive been fishing for over 40 years in utah and I have seen the rise and fall of many lakes and rivers,,
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I didn't say you're a California puke! I said if you're not happy with the dwr and the opportunity in Utah go back to fishing California! I for one have had great experiences with the dwr and they have been very informative to me. What do you want, them to give you a phone call or knock on your door and let you know what's going on? There may not be alot of water in Utah but I feel the opportunity is here and the fishing has been great for me. Sorry not trying to make enemies either but I think there's no better place to fish. I have been to British Columbia and a few places between but I personally enjoy the waters here. Many many species to be caught!!!
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sorry bro I didnt mean to come off as a jerk, on the subject of knocking on my door or a call thats not what i meant , The fish and game have not been very good at public communication they never have.. Tom Pettengill who was the former warmwater fisheries head and is a very close friend of mine has told me that for many years they just don't have the money to do what the other states can do . I guess when i said skills I meant resources-aka money. so with that being said im sorry if I offended you, I just look at the way things are going in view of what they were or maybe could be. Im just one trying to make a difference maybe im working the wrong angle so to speak - but al least im trying to do something I believe in and that is saving the fragile fishing in our waters
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Quote:one thing that they could do better is communicate better to the public,that might help all understand why we dont need every kinda of fish in every lake.
Quote:Live fish and crayfish
Utah Code § 23-13-14 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-17
You may not release fish or crayfish into the wild except as provided in the Wildlife Code, rule, proclamation or order of the Wildlife Board. For example, you can release fish caught at Scofield Reservoir back into Scofield, but you cannot take live fish from Scofield and place those fish in another water. Any person who moves live fish from one body of water to another is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
You may use live fish stringers, livewells or holding cages to store fish or crayfish while fish- ing on the water where you caught them.
A trout, salmon or grayling may not be released if it’s been held on a stringer or in a fish basket, livewell or any other type of device.
You may not transport live fish or crayfish away from the water where they were caught.
Pages 42 through 45 of the current proclamation deal specifically with illegal transplanting of fish, why it is bad, how the DWR has to deal with it, and how expensive it is to deal with the problem. What more do you want???? They can't babysit every body of water and every fisherman. There are idiots among us. Some people will transplant fish no matter what the negatives are to the rest of the world. They want _______ (insert species name here) and they're gonna plant them. I wish the law would allow the use of deadly force for such an offense, and make it permissible even after the offense, if it could be proven. They either want to have their favorite fish closer to home, or want to improve the fishing for their pet species.
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Verry good quote. but unfortunately not many people read the proc any more.
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well there,s the problem pick up a proclamation and read it if you have ideas then when they have planing meetings that are open to the public go and speak your mind.
i to have fished here for more than 40 years and this state is leaps and bounds above the rest im not sure if you reading the proc,or the posts on this site and the many great sites plus if you have been here long enough the information gets to this site before it even gets in the printed proclamations that are new each year it looks to me that you just have a beef for some reason i,m not sure what.
but may i suggest that you step back and take a good long look at what we have.and then try to really compare this state with others.
i think you be proud of what we have here with the small budget they have to work with just my point of view
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I totally agree with you that things could be better than they are and as good as they once were. And I'm sorry I was not trying to come off as a jerk. In my opinion Utah is top notch for the outdoor enthusiast! So much to do just not enough time  at least for me
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[quote brookieguy1]Don't have the skills? I beg to differ. The Utah DWR does a magnificent job managing our limited water. Just tough trying to keep everybody happy.[/quote]
this is the best post on this entire thread hands down.
sure are some sensitive fella's on BFT now a days. i guess some guys just need a hug after reading a simple web site.
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well said koch. +1 just dont be commin to me for hugs.
give slugs not hugs
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[#bf0000]"rainbows and cutts as long as your leg in the rivers around here"[/#bf0000]
[#000000]You have caught multiple 40" rainbows out of the rivers around here? That would be awsome, I wish I could catch one that big.[/#000000]
I am interested in hearing what you expect in a state fishery? I catch lots of 3-5 lb bass, tons of trout over 20", HUGE crappie, big bluegill, large catfish, kokanee, and good walleye...not to mention stripers, wipers, macs and whitefish. I have friends that have caught 50+ inch muskie, and 40+ pike. All these can and are caught frequently in this state. Just what is it you expect?
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i have to disagree with ya there my friend! if the DWR did as good of job they could there would be a lot less carp in this state then there is now!! [:/].. thay have had 60 to 80 years or more to work on the problem of the most invasive spices the satate has ever seen and realy done nothing to stop or slow them down even a little..
now they are putting all they money and effert into trying to stop the muscals. the next bad thing. but they still are doing nothing about the carp? the first way bad thing. they dont even know what the muscals will do to the fishing.. but we alredy know what the carp will do!! the muscals are more a water users problem then and fishermens problem.. can't say the same about carp!!
i might be wrong here but i thought it was they'er job first and foremost to protect utahs fish and game from spices like this.. then if there is moneys left they can plant fish and protect other game opertunitys in the state!!
given the effert they are putting into stoping the muscales only makes me think if they would have put that kind of effert into getting rid of carp there would be a lot less in the state now!!! [crazy]
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[quote zman2]Ok I have been kinda harsh on the fish and game...
...sorry to all and the dwr...
Its not the fish and games fault, although they dont have the skills...[/quote]
Wow. Nice way to apologize, and then slap them in the face at the same time.
Just curious: why don't Utah's biologists have the same skills as other states biologists? Don't they all go to the same type of schooling? Don't they all apply for the same jobs (no matter which state)? Don't our current biologists come from a multitude of backgrounds and places?
I guess I just can't figure out why Utah would have lower "skilled" biologists than any other state. That's pretty confusing to me.
FWIW -- Utah is one of the most competitive states for wildlife biologist positions. Doesn't sound "under skilled" to me.
Fuzzy -- it's politics. That's the problem. It has nothing to do with what they should or shouldn't do. It's politics. Our wildlife management is far too political. Why is that? It all comes from the top -- the governor's office. So, think for a minute about your past voting practices. Who did you vote for (rhetorical question)? So, who's to blame for our "mis-managed" wildlife? Yep -- you got it. You and me.
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"Fuzzy -- it's politics. That's the problem. It has nothing to do with what they should or shouldn't do. It's politics. Our wildlife management is far too political. Why is that? It all comes from the top -- the governor's office. So, think for a minute about your past voting practices. Who did you vote for (rhetorical question)? So, who's to blame for our "mis-managed" wildlife? Yep -- you got it. You and me"
[#6000bf]I agree with the above statement. One must remember that the Biologists are at the bottom of the food chain. It really does start from the top down. Most often, those at the top (IMO) strive for self preservation. In other words, their decisions are public driven via percentages (the most popular), what the majority of the people want.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]This is not always the best decision from a Biological standpoint. I say let the Biologists make the decisions and hold them accountable for the results. I believe we would see improvements.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Having said that, I do think the DWR has done good things a long with not so good things. But I would be the last person to say that I have the solutions for all the problems.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Can you imagine the task of trying to make fly, bait, ice, bass, trout, pan fishermen happy at once?? Its impossible lol...
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[quote zman2]unfortunately not many people read the proc any more.[/quote]
And that is somehow the UDWR's fault? Hell, it's available on line. All ya gotta do is type a few keystrokes and you can have it right in front of you. But I'm amazed at how many people can't seem to be bothered with the effort to look up a rule that they have a question about. I guess not many people can read anymore either.
Just to make it really easy, I'll add a link to the current proclamation.
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reading the one on line will not help if your on a lake and dont have a smart phone.. [crazy].. i get and read the proc every year.. but this year there must be a shortage of the printed ones? or they are hotcakes in this area.. i have looked in all the stores that have them most the time and not seen them.. i have asked them for them and been told they have not been sent and they dont have any..
i guess when they get them i'll have one to keep in my box.. [sly]
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[quote fuzzyfisher]i have to disagree with ya there my friend! if the DWR did as good of job they could there would be a lot less carp in this state then there is now!! [:/].. [/quote]
OK. So, we've established that our fisheries biologists are a bunch of idiots, they don't fish, and they should stop worrying about quaggas. Fine.
Obviously, other states have much better biologists ("smarter"), they probably fish, and they don't have issues with quaggas (?!).
So, here's my question to the Fuzzball: What have these other states smarter biologists done to take care of the invasive carp problems in their states????