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East Canyon - Yesterday
So my brother in law called me about 1:00 pm yesterday, he and is wife and kids were headed up to EC in about an hour. So I loaded the 2 year old up and we were on our way.

Got to the lake about 3:15 and were on the ice fishing about 3:45. Started out in 35 feet of water and caught a couple right off the botom. Kept moing around a little to find a hotter bite. I went shallower and finally found more fish between 15 - 20 feet. Again right off the bottom. Key factor seemed to be a chrome spoon above the jig. Never caught one on the spoon, but once I set up both rods with a bright chrome spoon I started getting hits on them both. It was a very light bite the whole time though.

Ended up leaving the ice around 5:45. Caught 12 or so in that time.

Fun couple hours of fishing.
Great report, I am looking forward to open water there this year.
just curious if you know...heard that they close the road to E.C. from parley's in the winter, not sure how true that is-did you go that way? taking a group of scouts up there the 25th and would hate to have a major detour-not to mention a bunch of scouts whining about the delay on getting there...thanks[Image: happy.gif]
The road to East canyon that goes past little dell resivoir is closed in winter. I heard there is one that goes through jeremy ranch but have never taken it. Might have to go up to I-84 to Morgan...
Highway 65 is closed and there is a gate on each side to keep people from going up there.

However If you take exit 141 on I-80, that is Jeremy Ranch, there is a turn that takes you up to a dirt road that stays plowed. You may need a four wheel drive though because they don't plow it down to the gravel, they just keep it from piling up.

If it looks like snow the day before I would not use the dirt road unless you have chains. I have attached a pic of the map. The road you take is highlighted in yellow. As you will see by the map the road can be a bit confusing cause it goes through a residential area etc, so you tend to doubt it is the right one. Once you get up in the foot hills though the the thing just keep on cruising along and next thing you know you hit pavement on the other side, Hwy 65, right above the EC Resort. In fact I think the thing is called East Canyon Road, and it is only about 10 miles long. Kinda nuts when you realize just how close the two places are.

Good Luck!!
sweet! thanks much guys... i plan on rippin some lips for sure!
Yes that is closed. It is called "Big Mountain" road. You cannot get over the top of that during the winter.
i've been thinking about taking my 2 year old fishing, but wondered how she would do out on the ice. Have you taken yours out quite a bit?? first time?? how'd he/she do? how'd you keep them entertained long enought to catch 12 fish? haha
This is how you keep them entertained. Catch a few fish and they will want to fish all day. If that is not working take a sled and let them slide down the hill next to where you are fishing.

This was a few days ago at East Canyon with my 4 year old.
I have taken her ice fishing 3 times now. And fishing on the lake twice.

She will pretty much entertain herself if other kids are there. My main advice is to check the weather. One of the times we went ice fishing it was 20 degrees and that was too cold for her to handle for very long. Even with the heater going, she got cold on the way out and from there it was a little bit of a rough trip cause she has a hard time getting warmed up again.

When we went the other times though the temps were 35-40 and she loved it. Layed in the snow to do snow angels, and generally ran around with her cousins. Just make sure to call them over when you get a bite, then play the fish for a lot longer in the hole then you typically would. That keeps them entertained and enthralled with the whole experience.
great video! that's awesome! can't wait to try a trip with mine
sounds like a good plan to's probably a good idea to take another kiddo close to the same age too. maybe we'll see you guys out there one of these days!
You have some of the cutest pix and vids of kid-fishnig! You should have -like- your own fishing show!

"Getting Kids to Fish with KeyStoneCop!"

I've got my son on board (sometimes)- he likes the ice too (something about a tent). And if he get's bored with the fishing he can wander around, or go up on shore and explore, chase crawdads, birds, rabbits - heck, he just likes being out.

I've got a deal worked out with my daughter now. She'll come ice fishing - but she wanted Skates. Now she has 'em! She may not fish, but she'll join the adventure (and learn how hard it can be to skate a "wild" lake!)
The boy wanted Hockey Skates, cuz Figure skates are for wimps. We'll see who's a wimp after they fall on the butt for the umpty-umpth time!!!!
Now - I can get them to be on "doggie duty" we can look at bringing the pup (long as I can watch my POLE! and not miss MY bites!!! [shocked])
I am thinking about going up there this weekend. How thick is the ice? Are the edges getting iffy?
I am assuming the ice is still good. Didn't hear any reports that anyone went through with the fishing derby.

Good luck.

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