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I just heard from a reliable source that heard it from a man who would know that he seen a 56" Catfish in UL WOW!!!! a 56" cat. Keep your eyes on your small chrildren and dogs. That would be something that I would have to see to believe but I know they are in their.
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There are some big cats but 56" seems a bit larger than I would believe without seeing it. That would be one big fish, and if it is real you are right keep small pets and children out of the water[laugh] At least till I see it I am going to believe someone measured with their bad eye.
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That's interesting. I'd like to see some more info about it. I see the state record is listed (DWR) at 32 lbs and 8 oz. and was taken in Utah Lake in 1978, I was reading in a book about the history of Utah Lake about a cat Mr. Loy caught in one of his carp nets that was 48 inches long and weighed 50 pounds. I'm guessing he estimated the weight and length but I think he would be pretty close given all the poundage of fish he has taken from the lake.
I posted last year on this forum and asked if anyone thought there was a 40 pounder cruising around in Utah Lake. I believe Tube Dude advanced the opinion that he doubted there was one that big out there but that it certainly was possible. If there is a 40 plus pounder out there I plan on having a little altercation with him this summer and I will be sure to post pics here.
I love to go after the cats on Utah Lake. Always looking for that really big one which for me would be anything over 15 pounds. Best I have done so far is a 13 pounder. I had one at the boat last year that surely would have gone over 15 but all I saw of him was his  . Maybe this year.
Not to hijack your post but I would be interested in reading about some of the biggest cats some of you guys have caught. Seems like I have seen some pics on the Sportsmans pic wall in Provo of some cats that were in the 20 pound range. I believe some of the guys up north that hit the BRBR get some big cats. How 'bout it?? I'd like to see/hear about some of your best cats. Will the present 32 pound record be broken? Where will that new record come from -- UL, BR, or maybe Powell??
Bring it on! I'm ready for some warm weather catin'.[fishin]
I agree that a 56 incher would cause everyone to re-evaluate the safety of skiing and swimming in Utah Lake.[  ]
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Who is the source and do they have any information to back it up??
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A 56" cat would be huge. It would certainly shatter the current world record for channels. Heck, the current blue cat record was only an inch or two longer I think. Using a theoretical formula I found for channel cats, 56" would equal close to 85 pounds... over 25 lbs. heavier than the current world record. If it exists in UL, that's where you'll find me all summer, but I'm afraid my scepticism outweighs my excitement at this point. However, the beauty of fish stories is that sometimes they're actually true or at least almost true. Even if the estimate is 20 inches off, it would peak my interest.
To answer the poll, my heaviest cat was 37 pounds but not in Utah. I grew up in the south and ran 3 trotlines and several poles all summer, mostly just small channel cats in that lake so I never caught a monster, but would occasionally catch some bigger blues and flatheads. My friend was into noodling, and I've seen him come out of the water with 50 pound flatheads and bloody fingers. Pretty fun.
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There are Definitely huge cats in the bear, every year me or one f my buddies gets one over 15 and the 10 to 13lbers are almost a nightly occurance. personal opinion but I believe that if another record is to be set it will come from the bear or UT lake... but never overlook echo for big cats, as well as the cache valley fisheries and the upper bear... I give up on Willard [:/]
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very possible. in 89 i was fishing lindon harbor in an april rain storm. i was sitting in the truck becaulse it was commin down... i had a cat hit and he took the bobber indacator up so fast the red n white bobber broke into peices. i batled that for 35 min. i won he went 46 inches long. his head was 9 and 1/2 between his eye balls. never wieghed him but he was a hevy taod. i drove him around in the back of my old chev for 4 days showing him off. his mouth was big enough to put a volly ball into it. so i think yes its possible.
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[cool][#0000ff]My "reliable source" elaborated that the fish was caught by Sasquatch...using a whole leprechaun on a hook made from a unicorn horn.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Ain't you even a little bit embarassed to be making such a post without verifiable stats or pictures?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I long ago quit trying to keep up with all of the rumors and urban legends about huge fish from Utah Lake. The Loy family, who has maintained a commercial netting operation for several decades, usually figures into most of the new nonsense claims. They have been credited with catching world record class largemouths, walleyes and of course catfish...including both giant blue cats and flathead cats. When any of them are asked about specific claims they guffaw loudly. Although I wouldn't put it past a couple of them to be behind some of that stuff.[/#0000ff]
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Catfish hunter from grumpy old men is all i can think of reading this one,
Got it up to the boat and the darn thing just  d at me then was gone.
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Maybe the source should contact Monster Quest or Jeremy Wade from River Monsters to investigate?? [  ][  ]
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This indeed did come from the carp guy at the lake. He uses my buddies boat ramp so he gets the info from them. They said a 12" 2 by 4 fit side ways in the mouth. What a story Monster cat or not it matters not to me i will be out trying for the beasts that do live in UL. ![[Image: whistle.gif]]( [fishin]
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good luck on your quest. [  ]
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I saw an easy 35" channel in pelican one day bass fishin and i hear there are monsters in there basically untapped. Still havent caught a cat targeting them i guess i dont stink enough.
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Tell "Catfish Hunter" i said HI!
if anyone has seen the movie, you will understand the comment....
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What ever happened to that supposed new record cat that was caught at Willard last spring? Haven't heard anything on that again.
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[quote FishinFool53]What ever happened to that supposed new record cat that was caught at Willard last spring? Haven't heard anything on that again.[/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]The fish and the angler were abducted by aliens. When they were returned to earth the fish had shrunk back to its original size...far smaller than a new record.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Over the MANY years I have been fishing I have lost track of all the wild and wooly tales of huge fish coming from improbably places. These stories almost always start with "I heard about..." or "Someone really reliable said..." etc. The only such revelations I pay attention to are the ones I see in print, accompanied by certified weights and measurements and including pictures that are not visibly photoshopped.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]These days we all get deluged with pictures and stories on the Internet...huge sturgeon that were caught in several different waters...huge wels catfish (from Europe) that are passed off as world record flatheads "noodled" from Oklahoma waters, etc. One of my favorites are the pics of the huge northern pike from the Netherlands that also supposedly chomped down on a smaller one. The two pictures in the circulating email are of two different fish, from two different waters. I have received all of these pics multiple times, from fellow email sharers, and the story and sources are different every time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I love a good fish story and have passed along a few myself. But I draw the line when someone expects me to believe something that they just "heerd tell" and then gets all chapped when I respectfully decline to accept it without verifiable proof.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It's all fun and it's all good. [/#0000ff]
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I've often wondered if these dudes that work the trawlers take pics of their extreme catches. If they don't, then that's just a darn dirty shame.
I guess with no pics though the stories live on and let the fish continue to grow, depending on the teller......
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Great post - great "paper trail" after. Funeeee.
Ok - you be the dudge: Is it real, or is it Photoshopped?!
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I doubt the first fish is from utah.
the hole necessary to get the fish out would far exceed the legal size.
Unless its in mac water.....
[  ]
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[quote CoyoteSpinner]Great post - great "paper trail" after. Funeeee.
Ok - you be the dudge: Is it real, or is it Photoshopped?![/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]In the first picture, the crappie is real size. The kid has been photoshopped. He is really much smaller.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In the second picture that is a white crappie. They do get quite a bit larger than our puny black crappies in Utah. But it is a "creative" picture with the arm extended and a "fish-eye" lens on the camera.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, Drew Cushing (DWR) claims there are some big white crappies in Gunnison Bend reservoir over by Delta. But every time I have been there it is nothing but a mud hole.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have caught white crappies...and 19" black crappies...while living in Arizona. They grow bigger when they can eat hearty all year on abundant shad in warmer waters.[/#0000ff]