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Was able to get away from yard work for a few hours today with my boy Chris, and boy am I glad we did.
Nice to see 12inchlunker; unfortunately he and his family didn't stay long. Ben showed up though, and so did the wind.
Chris started off the party with a cookie channel, and then an ugly carp. After another nasty carp, it was game on. Got into a little something with shoulders that ran down the bank and got tangled into Ben's line which he had to cut (sorry buddy); a few runs later I was able to haul her in. My biggest channel yet @ 28 1/2". Who knows how heavy.
Not too long after, I thought a Mudder was tappin' on the line and after I set the hook, she took off like a prized bull. But this wasn't the Mud variety. Another run down the bank and I could tell this one was heavier. Took forever to get her in, and I could see why: foul-hooked her on the fin. I challenge anyone in here to catch one of these mommas by the fin...what a rush. Fatter than the first, and probably around 27". Not bad. I offered Chris the pole but he didn't want anything to do with it- something about wanting to *hook-set* and *land* a lunker on his own. Can't blame him for thinking that. Next time.
Wind settled down finally, and unfortunately so did the catching. Definitely a rush for a couple of hours, and a lot better than yard work.
BTW, I think I'll keep my Cabelas Cap.
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Very nice catchen! Looks like a great outing. Thanks for the photos too. How many cats did you get all together?
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[cool][#0000ff]Nice work HGS. Sounds like a fun trip. Too bad #1 son did not go bendo. But he will, and he will enjoy it even more after honing his anticipation.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Based upon catching a lot of kitties in that size range...and seeing the relative girth in the pictures...I would say that your smaller fish would be about 8.5 pounds and the longer one maybe a pound heavier. If you get one 30 inches, with the same basic body will almost certainly go over the 10 pound mark. But a 28 incher with a gut full of grub will also make that weight at times.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those are sure pretty colored fish. The cats from some waters seem to have brighter hues than those from other ponds. Utah Lake kitties tend to be more greyish...and the males even get quite dark blue or even black in spawning season. And there are some waters around the country that the channels get almost black...male and female. It is usually a combination of water chemistry and the fishes' diet.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Keep up the good work.[/#0000ff]
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Thanks TD. Chris was asking me if those fish in the pics were males or females, and I was just assuming they were females because they were fatter. (Ben thought they were females as well) He also was asking about why they lose the 'spotting' the bigger they grow. Why is that?
Only got the 3 channels...thought it was probably due to the unstable weather overhead.
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Looks like you DID manage to get the family onto them with ya. Nice going.
So looks like you've got a solid lead. But you do know if you foul hook 'em it doesn't count! [sly]
So what time were you out? My boy and I took a run down the VVhwy about 4:30. Tried a few spots. Got some taps but no hookups. Really windy, and pretty cool. Think the rain may have shut-em down.
Found several snakes, and stopped by the sportman's access E of the launch ramp. Very flooded there - saw lots of BIG fat tadpoles. If we'd only had a net.
So far - today is looking a lot nicer than was forecast a week ago! Maybe make a venture this afternoon. Got a new rod/reel freshly loaded with some Spiderwire braid, and I'm itching to try it!
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[cool][#0000ff]The speckled pattern on younger cats is probably a protective spots on a fawn. Most cats lose the spots as they pass the cookie size range.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One of the pics below shows a female and a male side by side. The females are generally more golden in color and have a head that is about the same width as their bodies...when healthy. Males typically have wider heads in proportion to their body width. They also are naturally darker in coloration and can become very dark when spawning.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Even the females darken up somewhat right during the spawn. But are seldom anywhere near as dark as the males.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I usually do not keep the males because the ratio of good flesh to length of the fish is generally less than that of a healthy mama cat. And the flesh is often much paler and not as attractive.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Spawning in this cold weather spring will probably not happen until early June...or later. It can extend clear into July with individual fish.[/#0000ff]
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Yeah. That wind was awful - really awful in a little boat. My buddy was excited to get out. He ended up catching 5-6 carp an one channel that appeared to have a hole in its head. Nasty looking. Had little bitty snail-like things (minus the shells) attached to its fins too. Not sure what they were. Anyways, I caught a few smaller ones too. I was actually cold out there. White caps and everything. Anchor wouldn't even hold the boat. Thankfully the wind died down as we headed back.
I figured TubeDude would chime in on the weight of those things. I was gonna say 8+ for each of them. But some people can jump all over you for mKing an educated guess. I would like to get me a nice one like those you got. One pound or so really does make a huge difference in size on those cats if you ask me.
As usual, fun fishing with you. We will have to do it again this week before I take off for the summer.
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Thanks for the info, as usual. I was reading through something of yours about catfish a while ago. Great info!
With the males, do they usually have a broader and flatter head too? I caught a couple of males the other day, and noticed this. And you can see that the one in your picture appears to have a broader head as well.
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[cool][#0000ff]Keerect. The males do have broader and flatter heads. That and their darker colors leads a lot of our Utah goobers to claim they have caught "flatheads" or blue cats. I have come close to having to go fist city with a couple of hard cases that would not listen to basic biology...none of those in Utah. You can always tell a fool...but you cain't tell 'em much.[/#0000ff]
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TD: The problem with idiots is they think you're them.
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N/p buddy. next time stick around a little longer!
Sure been windy lately. I don't mind fishing in any kind of weather except high winds. Reminds me of Laramie, Wyoming.
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What he's really gonna hate is chomping into that Carp stew at the end of the summer. Of course if I don't do some catching up, and hooking up - I'll be hating ya too!
Saw a boat coming under the Valley View Saturday. Thought it might be Ben. Boat was the right color, but the dogs were the wrong color. Two nice chocolate labs out having a good time. They hadn't caught anything either. (the fishermen, not the dogs)
Saw sunshine on Sunday, was gonna drag the boat out, but mother-flipping wind was pretty ferocious all day. Figured I'd try some bank-tangling, but got distracted playing with the planters at the community pond. Then the sun went bye bye too....
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Hey 3 + hours with a 14 month old is pretty damn good Lava!!!! I'll get on some before month end don't you worry! :-)
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I apologize, I was stuck at home doing chores. Got out there as soon as I could...I'm sorry I missed ya buddy! We'll get together I'm sure.
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i understand the chores and the honey do's all to well its cool theres always next time