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Name this fish!
[Image:] Well, can ya?
Hint: this is actually a big specimen for this species.
Looks like a lizzard fish,or a ching chong fish[Image: confused.gif]?
Correct! Lizard fish.
How about this one?
Hmm,got me ,I,m glad your all having fun.looks like a ray,and shark had a baby,[Image: surprised.gif],here is my biggest shark,I wonder what the record for lizzard fish is?,that is big.I catch them here in key biscayne
Did you catch that shark surf fishing? That's what I would love to do here in CA- catch & release sizable sharks surf fishing. The funny thing I have noticed in my travels is that where there are a lot of sharks, they are not a prized catch- say like Florida and Hawaii. In CA people rent out 6 pack charters to fish for blue sharks, which are IMO a nuisance fish. Goes to show how every place is different. Then again there are makos and threshers here.
Oh by the way that fish was a shovelnose guitarfish.
Here's another fish to guess about that was caught by my students:
Here's the write up about my student's fishing trip
[url ""]Kids catch sharks on class fishing trip[/url]
On the east coast, we would probably call that a dogfish. His eyes give him away. Shark family, no teeth.
2nd one is a guitar fish i believe
Man I would love to see a pic of an albino sailfish.I posted here an albino cat I hope you like,Got the lemon shark of my alluminum 12"er ,Those bio creatures were lighting up the water that night, really cool.first time I ever see that,check the story under saltwater,keybiscayne lemon shark
Damn man,I don't knooow,In my school they would take us trolling,also got dive certified there,I could of taken a lifeguard course also.My cousin lives in CA.also fishes sharks,likes spearfishing,said he thought saw a great white one time[Image: sad.gif]This is Serg,on vac,here,he had a blast.I found a sea turtle sleeping,so my cousin grabs it,and goes on this wild ride underwater,with the turtle trying to bite him the whole time.turtles head was as big as his.huge.[Image: surprised.gif]
Tarpn4Me-Close on the dogfish- they're a bit different here on the West Coast; they call them smooth hound sharks. Whether there is a difference in the fish I don't know, my guess is scientists would say so.

Albino Sailfish? Why didn't you say so?
I was at Cabo the day that this was caught! I was eating lunch with the lady that runs the charter op that leased these anglers the boat. As we are eating she gets a call saying we need to go down to the dock, and I got to interview the anglers. They were so jazzed! I had all my underwater gear there but of course that's no good when you are on land ( I had taken the day off). I wish I had underawater pics of that fish!
[url ""][#008000]Here's[/#008000][/url] a link to the story and pics I wrote up about the time I spent with the anglers that caught the albino sailfish.
I wish I could have gotten a pic like this one of the albino!!
always the exciting things happen either when eating,drinking or just [Image: sleeping.gif],I like the tail, looks nice and pink,best part about it..I wonder if the eyes were really pink or not,almost look normal in pic.It be cool if it had white stripes,but instead the entire body looks white.I saw an albino person here on the metrorail.He looked African hair ,white eyes.I said hello to him,noticed his eyes moved from side to side?We did some good glades fishing,today.Alfred saw the biggest bass landed on fly rod,4.2ounce,on popping bug from basspro,by me.Alfred got fish of the day,a 6,3/4,I got my second biggest in glades 6,3/4,plus for flyrod too,the 4.2,We have caught 300 befor 4 people,today like 200.I got 57, got 2nd place.Alfred said the big bass are just now, starting to bite,It's always around this time?[Image: bobwink.gif]Alfred has the pics on his cam,I lost my fisheye resently,like my 4rth cam,lost or ruined,You know how it is.Every pic I have posted except the U.M college snook,and the Longnosegar,are from 35mm film.used cellphone to make copies,I'm thinking on going digital?I especialy use the self timmer function.any recomendations,plus good price?Here is a b/w pic of a Pacu .OOO did you see this funny pic,accidental,with my fish eye
Paul, are you asking for recommendations for cams? I'd be happy to give you some input.
O.K. Jon name this fish ,hint freshwater fish possibly an invasive fish.
I'm going to beat him to it. That is the infamous Snakehead. Initially brought to the US as an Aquarium fish, and the larger ones released into the wild. Invasive species indeed. The spot on the tail gives it away, along with the shape of it's tail. It is often Confused with the Bowfin, which we have plenty of in our local rivers and lakes.

Our local DNR requests that if a snakehead is caught, it is not released, and that they are contacted and provided the exact location it was caught, and the remains turned over to them. At a minimum, DNR should be contacted, the fish tossed on the bank to die or dispatched in some way. No live snakehead should ever be released back into the water.

You made that one too easy Paul, let me see if I can dig up a good one.......
OK, name this fish. It is commonly found along the majority of the continental US shoreline. The trick is, not only do you need to name the fish, but say why you know what species it is. I make it a point to note this because, it is commonly mistaken for another species of fish, but there is a single distinct aspect of it's anatomy that distinquishes it from it's poser.

[Image: 302_spanish.jpg]
Ahhhhha,wrong.....sorry maybe its the blurry image you can.t see, well,another hint,its the name of a cat.that was funny ,I've never caught a snakehead but I want to as soon as I find out excactly where to find them?I would need to see a pic from a map to be convinced on where to find them.Damn fisherman around here won't say excactly where to find them.
looks to me like a spanish mackeral,or siera mac?I'm only on an educated guees here.
Here is another fish, name it.,plus a hint for the previous fish.these two fish live here in canals.Both very aggresive,you can find them on youtube.People keep them together in fishtanks, as have I.I can post another pic of the previos fish,if you still don't know, by tommorow
name this fish, its a saltwaterfish, possible reef fish, part of its name is same as a freshwaters fish.
[fishin] check original pic 122
Guys, do you want to take this thread to the next level and go INTERNATIONAL? I've been to some strange places and have some cool fish pics to share if you're up for it!
Jon Schwartz
In the meantime, feats your eyes on THIS, and then read the bizarre story behind it. The strange thing about this is not only the fish, and where it was found, but that a good friend of mine found it on the beach :
[url ""][#ff0000]Bizarre Fish Washes Ashore in San Diego[/#ff0000][/url][#ff0000]

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