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been hittin' da view hard lately and she hasnt been prude! she has been putting out some nice fish. I have made 5 trips 6-30,7-1 7-5 7-6 and 7-7. Every trip has produced muskie! 6-30 yielded two 38 inchers and a bunch of follows.
7-1 was good as well netting two more in the 36 and 38 inch range.
7-5 was a fun morning with my buddy fred landing a thick healthy 40.5 incher about 15 minutes after launching i followed his fish with a skinny beat up 40. right after i caught that one i missed another one 3 times.
7-6 fished from 7 til dark took my step dad and lil bro out they each have never caught a muskie and my lil bro has never caught a bass so it was my goal to help em out. Well my step dad had the hot stick he had several attacks but only hooked two and landed one. skunk was off the boat, my lil bro had a few attacks and ended the night with a 17inch smallie which was his first. I ended up with a skunk but was happy to get my dad and lil bro on their first muskie and smallie. I think they are hooked
7-7 am trip - Well i am still on my vacation/honeymoon so i took out a friend who also had never caught a muskie, once again my goal was to give him my secret lure and get him on a muskie. Well it didnt take long to get the skunk offf, i was first with a micro muskie and followed that fish with a 19 inch smallie. Not bad, well not less than five minutes later eric gets his first muskie right next to the boat. Got it photographed revived and released. Smiles around... We kept fishing and found some active smallies Short quick trip but fun times
Enjoy the pics
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Awesome report Bryce.
Looks like you are enjoying yourself on your "days off".
We should go chase some wipers and eyes sometime out at willard!
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sexy as usual! the fish not you. not saying your... anyway nice fish!
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Now thats the kind of post I like to see, a guy goes out, catches a bunch of big fish and gives us some pictures to look at. Makes me want to get down to pinveiw to try my luck. By the way, nice catch on those tigers and smallies.
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hey bro you know i am always down to fish let me know when you can make it down this way, sounds like the wallys are doing good, i am getting stoked for the boils but ya good seeing ya on the 4th keep in touch
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oh come on 300 lb'ers can be sexy! but thanks
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ninja - pv has been good to us so far this year, newton has been a little tougher with a lot more pressure. love newton but gotta admit i love quality over quantity but i must say newton is growing some thick and healthy muskies, still think they are over crowded in there.
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Bad ass! Good to see someone gettin into some good ones. Seems like this year I've caught and seen more better quality fish in newton than ever. What do you think the average 38 incher out of PV weighs? I've caught a couple 38's out of newton this year one was 20 the other 24 just fat as hell. I need to get to PV and hook into one of those 50 plus fish if there still in there.
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Nice fish man. Those smallies are good lookin pigs. Nice coloration. Your little bro looks shell shocked with happiness....
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ya newton is growing some healthy fat ones, unlike years in the past where they were skinny and long. I am glad they are getting fat, my guess on a 38 incher is if its fat its around 18-22lbs.
My goal this year was one around 50, i know 50 is a hard goal but go big or go home. I believe i have a lure that will get me that 50 + incher.
I am waiting for the lake to lower then its game on, until then i will be on a search and destroy mission to find new areas and locate fish using search lures to do so. I need to get to newton more often its just hard cuz pv is so close. Also at pv it seems the average muskie is 36 to 40 inches which is bad ass.
Only complaint about them muskies is they are kinda soft and take some tlc to get them going. I use the right gear and do the proper handling so i try to give them the best chance possible, i  ly saw my first dead muskie of the 2011 season a few days ago, the sight kills me. It was a thick 34 incher that had potential to be a 40+ incher next year to bad.
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Great pics, looks like you have been having a blast. Keep it up.[fishin]
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Wicked awesome post - as usual. Nice you could get your family out and into some fish, nice ones at that!
That third (?) pic is cool - looks like that Musky is on fire.
In-Fisherman had the 'View listed as a top-water for big Musky. Guess the DNR must be doing something right.
Ever bother with the Crappie up there? Sure those toothy beasts do!!! How do you think the water levels/flushing have affected things?
And you're right - Newton is too crowded - with skiers!
[center]but what - no quarter?
(now don't nobody go asking what that secret lure is or we'll start a whole 'nother flame war! [:p][pirate][pirate][pirate])
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thanks, ya i fish for the crappie in the spring and normally do well. You can catch some big ole slabs. This year was a weird year with how the water levels have been as well as the long wet spring we had. The spawns happened later and i have seen tons of fry all over the lake which makes me think they had a good spawn, only time will tell though
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Good on ya broski ... glad u are getting into a few!! Your catching up to joeski! ! ]
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Yeah it was nice talking to you up on the hill. I'll let you know when I plan on coming down next. We ought to get Pat to come out with us in the tubes... Floatilla!
I think the crappies just had a lot of places to hide with all the flooded brush and timber. I bet ice fishing this winter will be much better than this year. You take me out for some night time slabs this winter and I'll show you how to fill coolers full of burbot.
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It's great to see some different sizes of fish I was afraid that there was starting to not be any younger fish in there.... It's been some time since I have been to p/v for tigers. Sure miss it nothing like cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast change lure cast,cast,cast, BAM!!!! FISH ON!!!!!!! Oh boy that's a good one don't loose him (panic) Get The Net!!! Get The Camera!!!!!! Ok set her back in and get her going again...... Dam That is fun.......let's do it again......