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Zara Spook
Have you caught a fish on the fishing lure named in this post? Please respond with any tips, techniques, photo's, or information you have about this lure.

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
This is a last resort lure for me. Some may argue that it's a producer but I only use it when I am getting no strikes for hours on end. Then guess what? I produces.

When everything in my box has been tried and I have used up my knowledge of lures I look at this big boy and think what the hell. And it doesn't produce often for me but when nothing else is working is has landed me fish.

Thats all I can offer on this lure. Other than technique. Pull rod fast and make it zig zag through the water.
used a spook good on pike and once in a while a snapping turtle in pines, rough on lure though!
They are good for bass in a 3 1/2 in size twitched so it makes a zig-zag motion. Also snook and tarpon.
For me I like using Zara in the mornings or late in the evenings using the twitch method. The best color is Black & white zig zags on it. Another 3 lures to try is Torpedo Chrome & black or blue, Jitter Bug black and then Orno black or green. These work very well for all bass & pike.

I love the Chrome 31/2" Spook in the morning and a black one in the evening. Like some other posts in here this is my emergency bait, when all else fails...
[left]This bait works great for me on those 'overfished' lakes and ponds, where the fish have seen just about everything already...but they sure act like they've never seen a Spook.

I know it works with other species but I use this lure mainly for largemouth bass.
I use a 4 1/2" clear when fishing topwater in the mornings for bass. I actually really like it, but I also use it when all else fails. Not much better than a strong topwater strike when you've not had much else happening.
Zara Spook is a great bass lure (as was the older Zara Gossa). Work with a typical "walk the dog" technique....Best in low light conditions of early morning or evening.
Great lure!.I mostly use the small smallest one.."Puppy"

This one has no rattle..As for tips ,first the way I retrieve it...steady retrieve with perfectly timed twiches to make the lure walk..steady as she goes!...

I've had this lure break in half before but only to the Lukinani down here..What I like to do is run a piece of braided line from the eye of the lure to the eye on the last hook,then I glue the line underneath the body to keep it clear of the hooks.This way if it the lure breaks again,or the last hook pulls out maybe I'll still get em[crazy]...P.S.Only happened twice.. landed one cause he got caught on the first trebble.,as he jumped the end of the lure broke and flew off.[shocked]

Funniest thing about this lure is seeing the bass follow.. Seen a bass move his head left and right as he follows it lol...another 4lber!,dang hooked him but got off..Pauly,last pic is a skitterwalk..

At one point I even got my buddy to start using it..Fun lure..Paulpro is known to influence peoples lives[cool]

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