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Bprice, Gulf of Mexico - PCB, AJs, Snapper, Kings, etc, 8-12/13-11, Minner and CooperJD
<br /> Minner, CooperJD, 5 of our buddies, and myself took a trip of a lifetime aboard the Best Bet out of Panama City Beach this past weekend. We departed PCB at 6 a.m. Friday morning and arrived back Saturday afternoon at 6 p.m. When we arrived we had 1002 lbs of Fresh Gulf Fish. We limited out on our two day Amberjacks after about 4 hours of fishing. We really piled into some beautiful reef donkeys. The action was fast and furious, with lots of grouper and BIG Red Snapper mixed in. I will say this, the Red Snapper fishery is unreal right now, and I wish they'd extend the total pounds for harvest. We spent the remainder of the afternoon catching 200 of our 320 Reef Fish; Vermillion, Whites, and Triggerfish. We fished for these until 11:00 p.m. Half of our party headed off to bed, but myself and 3 others stayed out on deck with the captain, and we decided to try for a few illusive Black Snapper. Did we ever hit the mother load! We found the fish suspended and we wacked them! Ended up with 41 big beautiful Black Snapper. We also noticed through the night, Kings moving in. By this time, we had to go wake Minner up and get him in on the action. So we freelined cut bait, and ended up putting 7 nice Kings in the boat on light tackle. What a blast! We licked our wounds and headed to our racks at 3:45 a.m. We got back up at 6 a.m. and finished off our limit of Reef Fish and put several scamp and red grouper in the boat. We spent the remainder of the day trolling for Wahoo and Daulphin, but came up empty there. It didn't really matter to us, because we had worked so hard the previous 28 hours. We took over the tuna tower and enjoyed the ride back into port. Celebrated at the dock with a ton of local fanfare and capped the night at Tootsie's with some good country music.<br /> Trip of a lifetime! Enjoy the pics!

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