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Grand Rapids KINGS
First round of Kings are being caught at 6th street dam.

Mornings are best with about 1-2 fish on per hour.
how is the water level.

can I get down and walk on the rocks in front of the break wall?

last time I made that trip, I had to replace all the tires on my truck, all of 689 from my house to there was under construction, and the road was all ground up and et my tires.

how are the roads this year?
Water levels are ave to low ave. You will be able to walk the rocks on both sides with no problems. If you do decide to wade out be sure to take a stick with ya as (i'm told) there are a few new holes out there. Prob has something to do with the couple big logs that got pushed through there in the spring.

Road construction seems to be pretty constant around here. (don't ya just love michigan roads?)

Let me know if you plan on taking a trip and I'll do my best to give you the guided tour. [cool]
I dont know if I can come up with the gas money to go, but thanks, I will deffenantly send you a pm if things open up for me to come across..

ooow, new holes means new targets. [:p]
Have you heard what the fishing is like up there now! I know I just got back from Mannistee but I cant wait to go fishing again

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