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montana trip next spring
Hey guys I live in provo, ut but am going to be going to northern montana again next spring to visit the grandparents. Was going to be taking the fly rod and have never gone fly fishing in montana. we will be in seelly lake and would just like to know of some rivers up around thier or some I might find on my way up and what you guys might be using up there. Thank and hope to get some big fish!
So I've been doing some research and think I will head up to the madison river, is their any thing I showed know before heading up, like spots along the river, and what regulations it might have. I was thinking about heading up around beginning of june. Does anybody go on here at all in utah we have tons of post just doesn't seem like anybody goes on here, any help would be great!
I am a fly fishing outfitter on the Madison River (Montana Angler Fly Fishing). You can read some info from our website that gives a lot of detail on [url ""]Madison River fly fishing[/url]. The Madison is a big river and can be intimidating if you haven't fished it before. The river is very productive but holding water is not obvious and some stretches are difficult to wade fish if you are fishing on your own. The best sections for wading if you are not with a guide are the sections between Hebgen and Lyons Bridge, around the town of Ennis and the Channels near the Valley Garden access. Float fishing is a great way to experience the Madison and this is best from Lyons bridge to the town of Ennis. The lower Madison can also be great but gets warm in July and August. If you are fishing in the spring the Lower is a great fishery! Focus on the weedbeds when fishing the lower river.
Awesome thank you for the help, I went to your site and checked it out for a second, also saw your facebook page looks like a lot of fun may have to book a float trip now [bobhappy]

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