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Mantua bluegills?
Me and my son fished mantua through the ice for the first time we fished off the first parking lot coming off the highway saw alot of people down past the launch area and after catching nothing but 10 to 11 inch trout it got me wondering is where all the people are at is where the gills are located I read a post that said the knolls is good gill fishin can anybody help me out and give me a general idea where the pan fish are located in that lake any help would be great!
A little west and south of the knoll has produced some nice gills and 8-10" perch for me this year. 13 - 17' of water in that area has been best for me.
I second that location. Spot on.
Thanks for the info but im still unclear on the where abouts of the knolls
The "knoll" is the point of the hill on the east side of the lake that sticks out, there is a bay to the north and the south of the point. It is easiest to access by driving up the south dike, where you will see an access point to the lake with a heavy trail going out onto the ice. Hope that is a little more clear.
Ok thanks for the directions gonna give it a try in the morning thanks again
Have you seen this map? Might help.
Thanks for the tips and the map. I was wondering where all the people were going who kept driving by the boat ramp.

Any reason there was no one fishing in the NE part of the lake?

Uh....just look for the massive tent city and you'll find the spot. Must not be any fish in the NE part if people aren't there[Wink].

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