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Echo or Rockport
Im headed to either echo or rockport tomorrow. I haven't fished either of them this year. Im wondering which one I have a better chance to catch fish at and where on the lake people are having tge most luck.not as concerned about quality as quantity since I'm taking a few guys ice fishing for the first time and would really like to get them into some fish. I'm willing to go to another lake if it's much better. Haven't had much success lately at strawberry but if someone has had success there recently I'm willing to try again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was at Rockport today, got there about 7:30 . Parked at the state park and headed out about halfway. Fished there a few hours and only got a few bites. Moved to the West side and fished anywhere between 18-50'. Nothing. Moved back to the first spot where my buddie stayed and finally picked up 2 at about 1:00 as we were packing up. My buddie got 3-4. All of them were about 5-8' under the ice. Kind of a bummer cause thats been my experience there the last three times i've gone. Personally if I were taking some guys out for the first time I'd probably go out to Starvation.
I have never been to starvation but am not affraid of a little driving. How is it up there? What are you catching? Where on the lake? And what are you using. Again, I appreciate the help.
Pull off the road just before the bridge on the right. Walk down the hill and you'll see where everyone has been going. I prefer going to the left under the bridge back in the bay. Just use the standard jigs tipped with wax,meal, night crawler. The fish seem to have been hanging around 15' ish feet below the ice.
Thank you. I may go there if nobody has any good news on a closer lake.
Last time i was out at starvation we killed the trout. didn't get into the perch, couldn't find em. for the trout we were using tube jigs. either the salt and pepper look or the pink is what was working. we set it all the way to the bottom then reeled in a couple cranks and let it just sit. we tipped the jigs with night crawler, had perch as well but no takes. good luck on it, like to get out there again. let me know how you do
My dad and fished rock port this mornin' at the last pull off on the west side (right after the land fill marker), got there about 700 am fished till 300 pm caught around 40 fish in about 18' of water 3 reels off the bottom. Caught 7 fish that were between 15" to 19" all bows. Good luck

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