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Fish Lake Bound
I am heading down for a Friday /Saturday in House Ice Fishing Derby. It's all about building relationships with co-workers. Letting them know how much we appreciate each and everyone of them in their Job duties. I do a back to back so if there job wont let them be gone on friday they can come up on saturday. They are welcome to bring their kids. It's such a different company than I have ever worked for. I am just thankful and glad that I am a part. Get paid to go fishing. It's a dirty job but I am the someone who loves to do it!!!![Wink] I know all about the bad spots in the middle of the lake. We go out on the oldest ice. Hopefully the fish will cooperate. I'll give a report and pictures when I get back.
You are a lucky man Glenn, hope you and rest of your co-workers have a good derby. Good luck.
My heart goes out to you. You really do have a tough life. Try to have a little fun anyway.
Sounds like a great time, wish my work would do that. Hope you guys and gals get some good fish.
Not trying to hyjack your thread. We're heading down there Friday as well. Just curious about the bad spots you talk about. I have always parked at Lakeside and gone east from there. Any bad spots around there I should know about? Taking a couple out of staters and don't know the lake super well, they just heard how beautiful it is and wanna catch a splake or Mac of any size as they have never seen one before. Any help would be grately appreciated
we were there last week thursday thru sunday. it was great weather and the whole lake was frozen. we went to joe bush first and walked to the east side. did pretty good there and then we went just a little south of the lodge and out about a hundred yards. we caught fish all day long, rainbows, perch, splake, and one lake trout pup. caught most of them on rainbow power bait. have a great time. [cool]
Yup Glen, you are truly blessed to work with/for such a great group of folks. And yes...I'm still jealous!

Don't worry about hijacking my posts chuuk. This is what this board is all about. From what I have heard the north end of the lake was not frozen till about 3 weeks ago. I heard that some guy went through with a snowmobile at twin creeks. Maybe when the ice just started forming. The area you talked about going out and fishing I hear is in good shape. Your splake run in the moss and at the edge of the moss and they are found 60-80 feet deep (suspended) sometimes in the winter . A white jig with Perch meat will catch the splake. Your white jig with sucker meat or chub will catch Mack. The mack are usually found 60 plus feet. Hope this helps
Thanks for the info guys I really appreciate it. I can't wait for tomorrow. Any idea how much snow is on the lake. I saw a Report from last week with guys on wheelers out there but wondering what these recent storms did to the accessibility

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