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Thats right TyeDyeTwin busted out a fly rod for a whole day!!! I went back to my cutty spot with Catcherman since I was told what to use yesterday. This time I left the spinning rod sit in the mud while I got my groove on with the fly rod. Man it was a blast and somewhat aggravating at times. Wondered a few times how people found this sport relaxing?
Took me a while to figure out a leader tippet connection so I went for a swivel and a strange bubble like indicator for fly fishing, since I forgot the styrofoam indicators at home.
Holy crap "wind" is a 4 letter word to me now! Tangle after tangle occurred requiring re-rigging several times. Even harder when your buddy is reeling in fish and getting bites on the spin rod while you rig back up over and over again. He tried several times to get me back to the spin rod but I said nay nay, today is my fly day!
I got 8 Cutts and lost 12 cutts (some were 15 plus inches lost right at shore) and missed 20 or so hits. Catcherman got 12 cutts, lost just a few, and missed lots of bites. I was using Midges all day. Catcherman was using midges and hand tied marabous on is spinning rod. Near 4 pm while it was raining there was a hatch of flyi bugs and the place was full of boils! Too bad I have no idea what those were. Great now I need dry flies too. We arrived at 10 am and stayed till 4:45pm. The cutts were full of milt. The spawn is close!
Catcherman's Cutts
My 1st fly rod cutts.
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Your finally becoming fishermen Ha-Ha,I'm glad you had fun guys,and not bad for your first "fly"report
[#0000bf]Edited for adding pic.[/#0000bf]I just picked up the flyrod also,I have a "white river",here is my first Perch on a fly I made,deerhair in yellow ![[Image: happy.gif]](
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Thanks again for taking me there it was alot of fun! Wind did suck but still a good day and was nice when the wind took breaks. Heres a few more pics....
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You think you hate the wind now, but wait until you start trying to high stick in a stream when the wind is howling [mad]
Good job on giving the long rod another try. You'll have to start tying too, it really gets satisfying when you start catching them on your own flies.
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For the record, the fly in the pictures is called "A Chironomid". Now you know why it is my favorite.
Still not saying where?
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[quote flygoddess]For the record, the fly in the pictures is called "A Chironomid". Now you know why it is my favorite.
Still not saying where?[/quote]
I am new to the flies world. I bought it as a "ju ju midge" or is it "jew jew midge"? Is this a "go to fly" at a lot of places?
Anywho I wish I would have known what the grey bodied, white fuffy bugs were that swarming the place for an hour and putting the trout in a frenzy! Hence why I need fly guys to come with me. Time to harass the fly shops!
I seemed to have lost too many fish within a foot of shore or closer. I was told to keep the rod tip up during the fight. Should I have put the tip to the side during the "beaching"? Maybe just use a freaking net huh?
As stated before you can come with me then you will know. But I guess that offer is like fishing with poop in a trout stream FG.[laugh]
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Like I said in the other post, pm me where and when...I won't disclose your spot.
You can't lift a fish out of the water with a fly rod set up, either pull them in or as you say, get a net, but make it rubber for trout.
The fly sounds like an Adams would work. JuJu is a Craven Chironomid, cool pattern I love them, but there are others you need too.
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Cool, but whatever you do.....Do NOT say Beetlejuice three times....things can get Ugly.
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All those times we went fishing last summer I keept telling you how awesome fly fishing is. Glad you are starting to see the light. Nice job!
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Do you catch a lot of SMB's on your fly rod JLG78? Now that would be a thrill worthy of 10,000 casts!
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Haha! I sure have.. It's on now! See you at Mantua! Don't forget your blue fox spinner..
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When the bluegills spawn we will be up there attacking them. The fly rod will probably come up too. I have caught a few bluegills and blackbulhead catfish at Utah Lake but I don't think it counts.....
I used a night crawler and a hook.[:p]
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Bluegill are tons of fun to catch on flies! Lets hope it keeps warming up so it will start to pick up soon. I finally got me a pontoon so I can keep up with you guys.
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[quote TyeDyeTwins]
I am new to the flies world. I bought it as a "ju ju midge" or is it "jew jew midge"? Is this a "go to fly" at a lot of places?
Here's a row of Jujubee's in my midge box.
Nice cutties by the way... welcome to the world of madness (fly-fishing). [  ]
![[Image: Jujubees.jpg]](
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Man I count it! [  ]
One time during a visit to TubeDude's house, I mentioned how much I enjoy fishing for crappie and bluegill. This was a couple of years ago and I hadn't really figured out how to catch bluegill on Utah Lake before or after the spawn. Turns out it was not difficult but one of the things that made it easier was taking TD's suggestion of using my 9.5 foot fly rod as a "dip stick." I use it to basically drop a small jig, fly, or small hook tipped with bait (yes bait on a fly rod is blasphemous, I know) right in pockets where I think gills and crappies should be hanging out. Makes it easy to sneak up on them AND you get a fun fight on a fly rod. So, long story short, it counts in my book. Just saying...[laugh]
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wagdog......NOPE, it is bait fishing with a fly rod[:|] They do make LONG crappie poles. Use whatever you want but if it walks and talks and tastes like a duck, it's bait fishing.
There is "some" to learn Twins. Some people do make it more difficult than it need be however.
There are only a few flies seriously. A reel with a good drag, a good line, and a proper tapered leader with tippet. I would be happy to show you this. I would also start off with giving you a furled leader which should last a year or so.
Next would be a quick lesson on a roll cast so you can cast with a mountain right behind you. This is a must learn cast at city ponds.
Sometimes, the flies are little but the fish are big, so got to learn to PLAY the fish.
(31" on a #8 Scud hook)
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[quote flygoddess]wagdog......NOPE, it is bait fishing with a fly rod[:|] They do make LONG crappie poles. Use whatever you want but if it walks and talks and tastes like a duck, it's bait fishing.[/quote]
Sorry FG. It isn't obvious from my post but I was kidding about counting it for fly fishing. I have a good buddy who I love to irritate when I tell him I used my fly rod with a jig and indicator to catch crappie. He gets really mad and threatens to snap my fly rod in half [  ] I try to soften the blow to him by telling him I used flies too...on spinning tackle. Doesn't really seem to help. Bottom line for all of yall reading this: I was kidding [  ][  ][  ][  ]
Oh yeah, great pics and report (sorry to hijack the thread!)!
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It's all good. Thanks