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shark skin line
anyone use them? Like them? disklike? is it worth the $100 for them or is there a better option
Fly Goddess fishes with Shark Skin. You might PM her if she doesn't notice this post.
I do use it. It is by far the best, longer lasting floating fly line on the market today.
To add 20 feet effortless, improve accuracy, last twice as long as any other fly line...I say it is definitely worth the $100.
I prefer the GPX.
as ive read reports online people say it makes alot of noise in the guides when you cast. Is it obnoxious or jsut there? also ive seen where some have complained about it tearing up there fingers any problems with that FG?
Noise? there is a sound. Like the whipping sound of the rod, or, the sound of the river/stream, or waves hitting the shore, trees rustling...yes, there is a noise.
I found the ones that complain about it have "tried" the line, but never owned it. A reason in their mind to not buy it I guess.
No it is not distracting or obnoxious. I like it.

Fingers...I used it 8 hours a day for 6 days last year on the river so a lot of casting and stripping. Yes I got a cut on the crease of my finger that I hold the line with. But, I have got that same cut when fishing "wet" sinking line and had fish run on me.
I think any wet line can cut.

Again, I can't help but think that those that have anything BAD to say about SS do not own the line and trying to justify not buying it.

I took a rod loaded with the Trout SharkSkin on a guiding trip. The gal (a total newbie) was casting SA on a Redinton rod and getting the roll cast and swing down quite well. I handed her my rod loaded with the SS while I switched out flies on the other rod. Trying to keep her IN the water. Her first roll cast she shouted, OMG this this is easy as heck to cast!!!! Look how far I just went!
So, if a total new comer feels the difference......
cool thanks fg here shortly ill have to pick some up.
Cast it then report...LOL
well rodger at pourtneuf let me borrow one of his reels with a 5wt shark skin on it and so i took it out to black canyon for two days and i tried it and i must not be good enough to tell the difference so ill now go out a few more times with my cheepy $40 line. and see if i can tell a difference
So how was the canyon? Anything in particular working well?
There is another option I've used recently and really love. Orvis has a new line called Hydros 3D. I used a 7 and an 8 on a recent trip to Mexico for 10 days, and it was awesome. Very comparable to sharkskin. No cuts. No noise. Just slips through the guides with the slightest of effort.
Jim, these new Grain lines are SICK. I got the 230 Sage off Sierra Trading Post for$29 and that stuff cast 4" bugs into a head wind. But again, that is BIG line. My SS on my 3 and 4 and 5 weight are killer.
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