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Flys for provo
I am a noobie and I am going to provo on sunday it is going to be cinda stormy and I am going to fish the lower provo and I was wondering what flys or color size ect...

Thanks hunter
Dont fish the lower much im usually over on the middle.
But try a hares ear, with a midge dropper. Also with the recent rain storm san juan worms should work.
Try a scud #16 to #22 in Olive and Gray. If there is a hatch, BWO in #16 to #18.
The SJW is a good call too. Try a Pink and an Orange Glow Bug small.

Good luck, look forward to a great report with the suggestions you will receive.
I am also fairly new to the fly fishing game. I am certainly no guide. But I have caught fish there each of the last two weekends. The two weeks ago it was gray sow bugs and tan sow bugs. Last week I met a guy on the river and he suggested red copper johns. I caught four in about two hours on those which is really good for me.
Small, small flies size 16-20. Hares ear, pheasant tail, maybe BWO.

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