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Utah lake 4/20/12 11 lb catfish
Started today at noon just north of the knowls in the toon and first cast of day 5 minutes into it and pole just went 90 degrees was the weirdest thing the toon turned and I went for a ride It played me for 35 minutes I was strugleing to keep drag from overheating [bobWink] I called Skunkedagain and was just a little excited i let him hear the drag wining I went to grab it by the mouth it clamped down on my hand and man that scared the crap out of me. I could never go hillbilly hand fishing I am missing a layer of skin and hair off of my fingers and nuckles. I tooned back to the truck and put it in the back of the truck couse it would not fit in my basket and went back out and stayed another hour and all i got was a sunburned head and arms.
here are smaller pics for I phone users
Nice job dude! Nothing better than catchin a big cat
Okay so you caught more pounds of fish in that one than I've caught all year, but I still got more today.... Good job big G that ones better than my best ever cat so now I'm after your high mark... way to go... Later J
Love the fight of those big channel cats. Good job man.
Nice pluck griggs!

Where are the damage pictures though? I wanna see how big a chunk of flesh that zombie swallowed before you bagged it.
Holy Shirts Batman! That's a hog right there. Gonna break a fillet knife on THOSE ribs bud!
That's my magic mark for this year, well - at least until I beat it. 10lbs.... got an 8#er last year, so - raise the bar!

mind coughing up what you were fishing with?

PS: every time I read you 'sig line' I crack up! Always makes me picture the Giant Snowpuff Marshmallow from Ghostbusters.

If I laid 'em end to end - I had 106inches of channels, at 18.5 lbs collective Saturday. Wonder what Chuck would think of that!

I LOVE spring cattin! Good tugs mate!
Don't know if you've poked a finger in a cat - they don't have teeth so much as a rasp - grab and grind.

But some serious jaw muscles! Pisses me off when the mudcats clamp down so tight - I get my hook out, but they INSIST on keeping the worm! little busters!

Actually turned to the jaw spreaders - had one 5#er that gulped it down pretty deep.

I don't get those noodlers - that's nuts! Using your hand as a "lure". Takes all kinds I guess.
Catfish dinamite from walmart was the key on a treble one foot under a slide sinker Ya my nuckles are raw from the Velcro like teeth that sucka had and I just stopped an infection that was starting to hurt they must have alot of bacteria in there mouths and some major muscles in the jaw that hurt.

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