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Id rather be fishing!!!!!
so im just sitting here at work bored out of my mind cause not alot of people come here early morning, i also didint have a very good fishing weekend either, got a limit of bows at RP but that is boring to me especially fishing wwith PowerB. so me being bored at work i usually surf the fishing forum and stuf like that and sometimes live lake view. well im watching the live lake view cam at provo harbor and watching these people walking around the harbor just hammering white bass and some other kind of fish,{i cant tell cause its too far but they are not white}, so now im just jonesing for some WB action and thinkind dangitt i wish i didnt have to [url "mailto:f@^#$"]f@^#$[/url] work. another thing is does anyone else on the forum ever start jonesing to fish when your at work and are watching people on the cam getting em all[crazy]. oh well, it looks like UL is doing good for WB and other species so im going to have to try it maybe a week night this week or something cause i need to fish, also millcreek isnt cutting it for me even though its a stones throw away.

thanks guys
Memorial is this weekend and on a monday so get through the week and look forward to a 3 day weekend. ( 4 for me I get fridays off. [:p])

The way I see it if you fish on Monday / Memorial Day and you get paid holidays you get paid to go fishing [Wink][Wink][Wink]
i do but my center might be open from 7 am to lik 11 am on memorial day so that sucks[frown] if i have to work, but were still looking into being open, and i told my boss that were not going to get that much business on memorial day so well see.

I hear ya there work sucks sometimes if I haven't got out for a few days I will hit walmart on my lunch break and buy some tackle or something, that helps a little bit. Last week I picked up a president on sale for 30 bucks (can't pass up 50% off) then went home and put some line on the two spools, waiting to try it out maybe tonight.
nice atleast buying some gear helps the craving, might do a quick jordan trip since my lil sister has a soccer game out there tonight.


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