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[cool][#0000ff]A fellow BFTer sent me this link:[/#0000ff]
[url ""][/url]=
[#0000ff]I got all excited and started looking at the pictures of all the fish he posted. When I got to the one for catfish it looked kinda familiar. Hmmmm. Exactly like one I posted a couple of years ago. His arm and watch sure look a lot like mine.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wondering how many of the pics he uses for proof are actually "borrowed" from someone else. Don't think I wanna spend any money learning from this guy. And his name is Clif. [/#0000ff]
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Looks like Clif is kinda old for 3 more years of school.
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And look at that he has sunfreckles on his thumb that are identical with to yours. ........ He's your long lost TWIN!!!!
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TD, I recognize who this person is and he is actually a BFT member that posts from time to time.
Definitely bad form to "borrow" pictures from others in his ad.[:/]
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[cool][#0000ff]I'm pretty sure I know who it is...a fellow BFTer who has done a lot of self promotion...set up bass tournaments, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wanted to see if anybody else recognized him or if he would publicly apologize for snagging one of my online pics for his own enrichment. It is done all the time but ethics suggest that credit be given for photos from other sources.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Attached is the pic from my files...taken April 12, 2006.[/#0000ff]
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What makes you think that's actually a picture of Cliff?
I recall the Twins getting twerped to find a post of their show up as a "fishing report" on some other site.
He also didn't say what kind of schooling, sounds like hard times - so probably the 'school of hard knocks'.
This falls into the "priceless" category. Speaking of which - is it $5, or some price TBD?
Heck - I work for soda and chips! Just contact my secretary. We can go chase tagged trout!
Too bad you can't post 'comments' on a KSL ad. Be awfully tempting to reveal the true HAND-TWINS!
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey, it's okay to get "sun freckles" at my age. And it gives me something to do when the fish ain't bitin'. I can play games of connect the dots and see what kind of pics I come up with. But I ain't gonna post any on BFT. Some of 'em ain't G rated.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Why would he borrow a pic of small fish, at least borrow from someone who is good at fishing
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Name names on this clown. If there's no doubt about who it is, why not? Let us know his username so that everyone can evaluate the credibility of what he writes or says. Otherwise, people will just keep on believing everything they read and see on the wonderful internet from unreliable sources.
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I actually seen that same pic the other day when I just googled "channel catfish pictures" it was on the first page, fourth picture and the subtitle said "channel catfish caught at utah lake" then there was a website also and it wasn't BFT. I was sure it was your hand because your watch and the way you held it I knew I seen that pose before but didn't think too much about it. Check it out and see what you think.
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I bet I've got more "sun-freckles"! Nothing wrong with them. They add distinction/extinction, and as you say "connect the dots" entertainment value. It is the grandkids playing connect the dots on my forehead that I object to!
As far as revealing the guy, no. It is a bad choice to use someone else's photo, but maybe he is a poor photographer and thought you wouldn't mind.
It looks like he is using pictures of various fish to show what fish of the region are available. I would hope that he has caught many similar himself, if not then it is more of a fraud. The mistake is in not saying that they aren't all ones he has personally caught or giving photo credit to the originals.
It also looks like he is looking hard to earn some money. Times are hard. Doesn't excuse it, but maybe this exposure will be warning enough.
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look up wiper, thats TD as well
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TD, you are now a famous hand/fish model! Can I have your autograph? [cool]
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oh crap, look up tiger musky... ill give you a big shiny nickle if you can tell me that persons screen name lol
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I know who this guy is due to his self promotion. I don't even remotely know him. I've never met or spoken to him.
That said, I don't think it's impossible that six years ago he saw your post and liked the picture. Subsequently saved it to his hard drive and forgot all about where it came from. All these years later he gets an idea to post a fishing ad. He starts looking through his picture files. Sees this pic, mistakes it for his own pic/hand. Puts it on his ad not realizing it wasn't his original photo.
This might be a stretch, but it's not impossible. Just trying to look at it from different angles.
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[#0000ff]Amen Brother[/#0000ff]
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Thats so crazy! I wonder how many pictures are out there all thanks to BFT. New game, how many pictures can you find on the internet that came from BFT