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Tiger Muskie stole my fish!
Been camping at Newton. Was in the boat with two of my sons. One caught an 8" LMB that swallowed his lure pretty deep. So he sets the fish back in the water off the side of our little boat while he reaches for the needlenose pliers.

As he lifts the fish back out of the water, a TM races up and snatches the bass from where it's hanging in the air a few inches above the surface.

My son's heart stops and he screams. Fortunately, he held on to his pole, but he was just frozen in terror. My little boat is low to the water, so this all happened maybe 18" from him.

I grabbed the pole and handed my phone to my other boy to film it, but it was all for nothing. I lightened the drag and fought the fish for 2-3 minutes until it pulled the bass clean off the lure. The TM was never actually hooked - it just refused to let go of its dinner.

Water was dirty enough that I never got a clean look at it for size, but it sure was an exciting moment! A hooge SPLOOSH! A scream, and some adrenaline pumping. Haha.

My poor boy's hands were shaking for a good 20 minutes afterwards.
How olds your boy? Poor fellow! haha thats awesome, its always a good suprise to see a musky do that, especially if its a foot away from you as it happens. To bad you didnt get it on film, im sure that would have gotten a few thousand hits on youtube [:p] At least you got your lure back, might have brought luck to it! How did he do with it after that incident?
Now THAT's Entertainment! Glad he got to keep all his fingers. I've been standing on my bow, and had one slam the edge of the boat right by my foot - spooky!

I've also had a caught perch swallered up - landed my first Musky that way - don't think I ever hooked him, just stubborn enought to NOT LET GO! Can't say I blame him, those perch are tasty!
I'd got a bit worried about rinsing the blood of a perch after unhooking it. Decided splashing, blood, perch, fingers - not a good combo to present off the side of the boat!

Seen a stringer of Bass at Pineview that got chomped by a Musky, even heard of someone wading with a stringer attached to their waste. Now that would shiver yer timbers!

Was pulling in a little bass the other week, and the fight got harder - so I'm lifting a good size bass out of the water, when it falls off - as I re-lift the line, realize I've now got a small bass on, then he flipped off. Yup - munched on the way in.

At least your kid'll have a good story to tell his buds for years to come!
You ever see that video that came out on the net a couple of months ago where a guy was fighting a huge marlin for hours out on the sea and just as they got it to the boat tons of sharks tear the thing apart in a matter of seconds. All that was left was the head!!! Someone always got it worse than you do? Heres the video if you havnt seen it, way intense!!!
Whoa, those sharks were insane.
i know we have all seen this already but.... I figured it was appropriate to post it again... This was at newton a few years ago.. I filmed it.
Wheres the vid I havnt seen it yet?
i dont know why it wont work/..... its letting his work........ but any way its on you tube or search musky ate my bass
I remember seeing this a couple years ago, freaking awesome man! The way it ends makes it that much better, keeps your mind wondering what the heck happend! [crazy]? How long did you have him on their before you started filming?
it was nuts! bass was on for bout 20 seconds when the musk nailed on the rise.. we knew immediately what had happened... I just happened to have the camera in hand. But it was still a shock to see him next to the boat holding on to it. My reaction is classic . Holy ****
thats what its all about Smile
THAT IS SWEET!!![cool]
[quote KingTwistedKidd]How olds your boy?[/quote]
He's 11. We teased him about needing to be put back in diapers.

[quote KingTwistedKidd]How did he do with it after that incident?[/quote]
After his recovery, he thought it was all very exciting. He insisted that HE get to tell the story to his mother back at camp.

[quote CoyoteSpinner]I'd got a bit worried about rinsing the blood of a perch after unhooking it. Decided splashing, blood, perch, fingers - not a good combo to present off the side of the boat! [/quote]
Never thought about that... and I'm not sure I want to. Thanks for putting THAT image in my mind. [Wink]

[quote CoyoteSpinner]At least your kid'll have a good story to tell his buds for years to come![/quote]
Fishing stories are the best kind. As a father, I've come to realize that my parents were complete strangers to me. They never tried to relate at all. Good parents, but old school... I'm trying a different tact, and my kids seem to enjoy hearing about my multitudinous fishing adventures.

[quote joethafoe]You ever see that video that came out on the net a couple of months ago where a guy was fighting a huge marlin for hours out on the sea and just as they got it to the boat tons of sharks tear the thing apart in a matter of seconds. All that was left was the head!!! [/quote]
Have you guys read Hemingway's classic, "The Old Man and the Sea"? That book was almost universally hated by 13-15 year olds forced to read it in school, but I loved it. It was an epic story of a fisherman who eventually lost the catch of a lifetime to sharks. Couldn't help but think of that book when I watched that vid.

[quote setthehook]This was at newton a few years ago.. I filmed it. [url "[/quote]"][/quote][/url]
Is it just me, or does that TM look like a happy little puppy with its favorite toy?

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