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Need some advice for my setup!
Alright so I'm not completely new to fishing but I am new to doing it on my own. Currently I do a lot of bass fishing around where I live and I know plenty about that. And I've been snook/tarpon/shark/trout fishing before, I just usually go with a friend who knows what type of gear they need and all that.

I've been doing some "research" on various forums such as this one and I think I've got some of it figured out I could just use some verification. I'm going down to Anna Maria in a week and I know there's a lot of fishing piers down there, and I've been kayaking in Sarasota Bay and I know there's a lot of trout and redfish in those flats and I'd like to fish both.

I've got two rods I want to set up.
The first one is for pier fishing for like snook, redfish, snapper, etc. I got 30lb braided line with a 30 lb fluorocarbon leader. I got some Gulp! shrimp and D.O.A. shrimp as well as some popping corks. I also plan to use live bait as well such as live shrimp, pinfish, etc. As far as hooks go I got 4/0 g-lock work hooks for the plastic bait and some 3/0 baitholder hooks for the live bait.

The second rod is for flats fishing.
I'm using the same 30lb braided line but with a 15lb fluorocarbon leader. Again, using plastics as well as live bait with the popping corks.

Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated especially before I put all of this stuff on my rods I want to make sure I have the right things. Also if any of you are familiar with fishing in the Anna Maria/Sarasota bay area and you have some hotspots or tips those would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance!
Haveing fished both pier and from a boat I'll throw my 2cts in. For the trout and reds I think 10lb braid is all you'll need. Unless your going for larger fish, 20 lb braid should do for the other rod. I used the same bait as you will and had good success. You may want to think about useing a polamor line for the larger pound test as well. Bigger fish need a little stretch. Good luck on your trip.

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