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Strawberry and Jordanelle
I've been to Strawberry twice over the past few weeks and have done pretty well around the Soldier Creek Marina. I've been using a Midnight Fire bugger (black with some red and blue in the body) from 10-25 feet deep. I've also done pretty well with an ice dub orange bugger of the back of that. White has been working as well, I talked to a few guys that are catching with green/olive too. There is some surface action if the wind isnt blowing, could be Callibaetis or Chiranomids, its hard to tell. Might be worth throwing on a chiranomid or callibaetis emerger.

Went to Jordanelle for the first time today looking to catch my first bass. Ended up launching from the Hailstone personal water craft dock. Worked the shoreline all the way to the dam and picked up 5 bass. Caught 2 on a polar ice dub green bugger and three on a polar ice orange bugger. The wind picked up around 3 and blew me off of the lake.

Has anyone been to East Canyon lately? I know the water level is low but i was hoping to get a few more bass before things get really cold. Let me know, thanks
Nice report! Thanks for the fly details.
Thanks for the update

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