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Attention All Utah Anglers! The Utah Valley Universty bass club needs your support!!!
Hi there, my name is Sam Barrus with the UVU bass club. We are the very first and only (to my knowledge) College Bass Fishing Club in utah! We will be celebrating our 1 year anniversery this saturday the 17th of November, 2012.
Come celebrate the 1 yr. anniversary of the one and only Uvu Bass Club this saturday the 17th from 6-8 @ uvu. Tickets are $15 each. There will be a catered dinner, Contests, raffles, and guest speakers it should be an awesome event, Let me know if you're interested!
Contact me via email - [url ""][/url]
or by cell phone-(801) 319-5768
We hope to see you all there!!!!
Drew Cushing is our guest speaker. He is the warm waters fishery biologist for Utah division of wildlife.
You might mention what topics will be covered, who the guest speakers are, activities, etc. The vague description may deter some?
The event is a celebration of the sport of bass fishing, the food alone will be worth the money. Drew Cushing will be our speaker, he is the warm water fisheries biologist for the DWR. This is a fundraiser for our trips next year. We are also going to do a food drive. Bring 5 cans of food for entry into a drawing for prizes. Food will be donated to the Utah food bank... It is going to be a great night of food and fun... Come join us

Clinton Martinez
UVU bass team advisor

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