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] Below is what is on the flyer.
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[font "Calibri"]3rdAnnual Sulphur Creek Challenge Ice Fishing Tournament[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]Location: Sulphur Creek Reservoir (south of Evanston,WY) at the boat ramp[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]Date: February 2, 2013[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]RegistrationFee: $25.00[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]Times: Check in starts at 6:30am, you may payregistration at this time[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]At 7:30 am we willstart the tournament and it will go until 2:30 pm. From 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm will be themeasuring.[/font][/center]
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Rules: Participants will be allowed to register onlyone trout (rainbow, brown, cutthroat), so bring the longest one. Only trout 16 inches of lengthor greater will be eligible for the derby. Anglers are encouraged to releaseall trout less than 16 inches. Furthermore, if anglers catch a trout over 16inches but they do not expect it to win a prize they are encouraged to releasethe fish. Anglers may use up to 2 lines (poles) while participating in thisderby. Anglers using more than 2 poles will be disqualified. The longest three fish winprizes. You must have a valid Wyomingfishing license and abide by all Wyoming Game and Fish Guidelines. Failure to follow Game and Fish Regulationswill result in automatic disqualification and forfeiture of entry fee.[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]Prizes: Longest Fish 30% of Total Entry Fees[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]SecondLongest Fish 20% of Total Entry Fees[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]ThirdLongest Fish 10% of Total Entry Fees[/font][/center]
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[font "Calibri"]We will also hold a 50/50 raffleduring the contest, with the drawing being done at the end of the day at theboat ramp. Let’s have a great time andgood luck to everyone! For questions orpre-registration please contact Cassidy Tynsky at (307) 679-7377.[/font]
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