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Louie B, Carters Lake, BIG Spotted Bass, trips PIC HVY
Water temp: 50<br />Lake Level: +2ft over pool<br />Clarity: great<br /><br />Sorry for no reports on CFF lately. I've been reporting more on Facebook and The Georgia Outdoor News. I've built some good customers from CFF but it seems the response to reports outside of the Chattanooga area is minimal now but I'll try to report more often than I have lately. If you're interested in reports from Carters check FB or my website.<br /><br />I was out Mon and Wed-Friday this past week to find a good bite out there each day. Numbers aren't great some days but if quality is what you're after, it's time. <br /><br />Red Rooster Fly's rigged on 12ft leaders, Sposticker hand tied jigs, and Jigheads rigged w/ Big Bite soft plastics have been my 3 prime techniques this week. I've fished from 15-60ft and boated fish in all three zones. IF I were picking a zone it would be mid depth, 15-30ft seems to be the target zone for the quality fish right now. We did boat one big fish in 40+ft this week but all our other 3lb+ fish were in or over the 20-30ft zone.<br /><br />Neat story from this week and some of you may have followed this on my Facebook page or the Spotsticker Facebook page. Dr Ted Q of Lexington KY booked 3 days this week to come chase a trophy Spotted Bass. He has traveled to many big fish lakes in search of trophy fish. His goal was to catch a 5lb+ Spotted Bass and back in September when he contacted me I recommended this time of year. Unfortunately he wasn't able to catch his 5lb+ Spot but over his 3 days of fishing he boated a dozen Spots between 3.5 to 4lbs which averages to 4 per day, not bad. He did get to see a monster Spot on Friday as I picked off a 5.60 on a hand-tied 1/2oz Spotsticker jig in PB & J. The doc boated fish on FnF, Spotsticker Jigs, drop shots, and Spro Mcsticks throughout his time here. We boated 14, 14, and 13 Wed-Fri and didn't run any deep schools at all. We focused on fishing for big fish the entire time. Very fun trip with a great person and fisherman.<br /><br />I'll be out a few days this week and at some point between now and mid February I'm gonna take a couple of weeks off. Good luck out there guys.<br /><br />Thanks to all who've sent congrats and compliments on the Hook N Look Show. Here's a few pics from the last couple of weeks. I have days available for hire, if interested drop me a line. <br /><br />LB

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