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First Lincoln Launch 3-19-13
[#0000FF][cool] I wanted to do a recon trip to Lincoln Beach, just to see firsthand what the water levels and temps were. Of course I also wanted to chase down a couple of walleyes...or whatever. I got no pride.

The ramp and channel looked a lot different than they did on my drive-by a week ago. No mo ice. All gone. Well, maybe a little bit of the dikeberg at the end.

Air temp was a cool 36 with a north breeze blowing. Water temp inside the harbor was 45...but dropped to 41 outside as the wind and chop kept the newly de-iced lake from overheating too quickly.

My optimism for walleyes dropped a couple of notches when none of the "regulars" were showing up. They hit it hard when the fish are in but don't waste time on it if the fish are not ready. That, together with the cold north wind, made me aim my electric motor south to the flats instead of north to the rocks. I was hoping that maybe I could at least find a kitty or a few white bass.

I popped two dink white bass quickly, off the end of the reed point at the beginning of the shallow bay. No pictures. So sue me. Water temp in close to the reeds was over 43. Depth was less than 3 feet. The water has come up a couple of feet since last fall but still needs to rise another 3 feet or so for optimum fishing.

Put out a minnow on one rod while pitching various plastics on the other. Worked from 3 feet out to almost 8' and then back. Covered a lot of area without even a whisper on the minnow.

Finally worked over into a favorite zone out off the inlet of Benjamin Slough. I almost always find something there. Today I had just changed baits from minnow to carp meat when I had a pop-zing. Wouldn't ya know it. My only bait inquiry and I whiffed it. Put on a new bait and lobbed it out...figuring I probably blew the only chance I would get. Glad I was wrong. A few minutes later a fat 20" channel cat snarfed the carp meat and then crawled into my net. But that was it. No more bites the rest of the morning on minnow or carp.

I did get a good workout on a "toothless golden walleye" (carp). It slurped up a small jig I was tossing for whities and tried to make me believe he was bigger and badder than he really was. At first I dared hope it was a REAL walleye. Then I thought maybe it was a big cat. I've caught lots of them on those jigs. But NOOOOOOO. It was a golden beauty. I kept it, along with the catfish, to test out my new Bubba Blade knife on something with ribs and substance. I needed to add some more carp meat to my stash any hooters.

That cold north wind blew all morning...letting up a bit only after I had gone back in and was almost to the ramp. What we need now is some strong SW winds with some warm in them. The water is getting oxygenated and is turning a better green color...better than the sickly dark stagnant green it was when the ice first came off.

Mean water temps seem to be around 43 around the lake. That is in between walleye prespawn and walleye spawn. They begin spawning at about 45 and will continue until they are all through...maybe about mid April this year...or slightly longer.
Thanks for the report!
[#502800]Good on ya for getting out...... In looking at the long range forecast, it looks like the weather is going to be on the coolish side until the second week in April.[/#502800]
[cool][#0000FF]I'm watching the same forecrash. Figured I'd better try to sneak in a trip between Mama Nature hissy fits.

We had a long cold spring last year. Lotsa wind and cold but not much moisture. Hope we get some more wet stuff before the lakes go dry.
With this storm front coming in tomorrow, am glad I took the minnows to do some bank tangling at Bountiful pond monday. Hope the weather gets better so I can get out on my toon soon.
Since I got heat about this post, this info leak is guys figure out for yourselves when they spawn.
Great pics as always. Thanks for the report. Even them Colorado gold fish are fun to have on your string. They always act bigger and badder. Glad ya got out it sounds like the next few days might be iffy.
[cool][#0000FF]I figured they would be showing up SOMEWHERE. As always, that somewhere can be anywhere. And If you are not where they are you ain't gonna catch many.

I really wanted to get around the point to fish some of the spots along the rocks but didn't know how bad the wind might get. I hate fishing in the north wind down there in my tube. Never do as well.

well Pat the Lindon trip wasn't as good as it should have been for this time of year but it was a total success for me, (I now know). we caught a couple of white bass and one of them was willing to give up a few slices of his side for some bait. it worked, my grandson caught a 5lb catfish on one of TD's perch jigs tipped with wb. the water temp hit 46 around lindon.
[#0000ff][cool] Glad the grandson got some tugs. If you're a real grampa that's what the trip was all about anyway. Too bad you couldn't have found him a largie.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Temps seem to be varying widely around the lake. I think wind direction and exposure to sunlight has a lot to do with it. This time of year a southern facing shoreline seems to warm up just a bit faster.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sounds like we both need to find some walleyes.[/#0000ff]
Hope to get down to UL soon. Hope the weather clears too.
Got my first of the year a little two lb male chomped it today. 3 hrs of casting lol. Apparently some Bateman guy just bought the property and will close it to trespass shortly. I'm gonna contact Chris Crockett to get on this one for sure. Maybe also Dick Bueller at State lands and forest. The locals heard all about and say it's any day now. We have been fishing there for decades and decades and it's a county road!
[cool][#0000FF]Glad you got a walleye. Sorry to hear about the pending closure.

You definitely need to present the potential closure to Chris...and John Fairchild. They are working on the same problem across the lake at the Knolls. However, over there the roads have never been classified as "County roads" even though they have been used by the public for decades. The statutes say that any road used continuously for over 10 years may be deemed a county road and may not be arbitrarily closed by the landowner.

Good luck.
looks like it's pm time, people are just sooo nice as usual.

is there public land on the other side of his land ?? if so he can't stop or block access to it. there's a spot I bird hunt that you have to go thru privet property to get to public land. he tried to gate off access but the d.w.r. made him take down the gate. we just can't hunt on his property.

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