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I got some info today that there was a tourny that started at Hyrum today and is going for a couple more weeks with prizes for catching a tagged fish does anyone on here have any more info about this that they are willing to pass on? I will be heading up there tomorrow with a friend to try my luck and see if I can get into some nice bows and or perch
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If you catch a tagged fish take it to the state park to receive the prize. I believe it goes through August.
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The contest started today, there was supposed to be some sort of kickoff, but it was cold and wet all morning. There were to be prizes for the longest and the heaviest fish caught today, regardless of a tag. I would be curious to know if anyone attended.
They held this contest last year as well. No registration required. Just catch one of 130 tagged fish, and take it to the office to claim your prize.
Not much detail, but the official site for the contest is:
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Apparently not all the fish from last year were caught as well.
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They didn't catch all the fish, but they ran out of prizes. Fun to try your odds of catching a lottery fish, but the prizes aren't real big so don't be disappointed. I knew a guy that caught two last year. I think he said the odds for him was one fish in 170 was marked. So good luck. J
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I caught one yesterday. I grabbed into a box and pulled out a random envelope. In it was 2 free main entrees at beehive plus an appetizer, a bike tune-up, "OHV" supplies from renegade, 20$ off cabelas with a purchase of $150 in store, and a barber service. They also gave me a decal for my car window that has Hyrum 2013 and a fish with a hook. So yea, kind of lame prizes. Others might be better. The fish itself was the real prize. It was a lot of fun to catch compared to all the minnows I kept catching. I caught 10 all day.
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I know there is a few 25$ dry cleaning gift certificates in there
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I am looking to head up there Wednesday morning early.
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That sounds like a pretty good prize. Last year I heard each prize was pieces of what you got, like the food or the OHV parts. Were there a lot of fishermen? Last year you could almost step from boat to boat and cross the pond. Was the water clear? Ten fish it must have been a pretty good day. Thanks for the report. J
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Don't get me wrong I appreciated getting a prize w/o an entry fee. The prize i grabbed just wasn't a good fit for me. I don't bike or OHV. I buzz my hair and can barely grow a goatee. =) Beehive is one of my least favorite restaurants in town (HORRIBLE service!). The 20$ Cabellas coupon is nice but I will spend that in gas just getting there (no online) and only with a purchase of $150 (13% off). But I have a yummy trout dinner.
There were about 2-3 dozen out on Sunday. From what the officers were saying was that most people only got 2 or 3 fish in the boat at all that day. My set-up must had been the right one. I did notice a few folks with stringers and they caught bigger fish than me (not including the hatchery monster). I caught 2 sm-med sized ones then got the big boy, realized it was a tourney fish and kept throwing the other back so I could use my last slot for another prize fish if I got double lucky.
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Thanks for the boat report, maybe you can trade your prize package. It sounds like you did well. Any idea how many fish have been caught so far? Were you trolling? Later J
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In lieu of trading, I will just have to catch another =) The officers said 10 had been caught on Sat, I was the 6th of Sunday and I left about noon. Yesterday was rainy and gross so I didn't get out. I was indeed trolling. PM me if you want details of my strategy. I usually do pretty well but I think my tactics are a tad unorthodox. I just started trolling for trout last summer so I am not sure. I just found something that works for me.
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Also, there are 130 tagged fish. And the water looked pretty clear to me but I am new to the area. It def wasn't green like late, last summer when the water was at its lowest. I turned the sensitivity on my sonar to the higher setting and wasn't getting much noise so I would say, yea pretty clear.
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What are the water temps?
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Thanks for the catch and clarity update. I'm going to try a trip one of these days. Thanks J
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Went out this evening, 4-7pm and caught 3 and half. One was really nice, a second was decent, the third I threw back voluntarily, and the half threw himself back before I could get him into the boat.
Temp I believe is around 40-44 degrees if memory serves. My finder transmitter fell off the boat so I didn't turn it on.
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Do you have an inch measure on really nice so we can relate? Most of the fish I had been catching before the contest were 9 to 15 inch. Did yours fall in that range as well? I hope there are some bigger fish starting to show up. Did you check the number of tagged fish caught so far in the contest tonight? I'll bet it was a great night to be on the lake. Thank you for the update. Later J
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15 inches on the nice one 9 inches on the OK one. The one that got away was probably 12. 15 is pretty good for me; I'm new to trolling and I don't get very deep without a rigger. Not sure how or where to jig.
I didn't get a chance to ask the officer. It was a quick trip for me, we have a baby that is too young to take out with me on the boat just yet.
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Hey thanks for the detailed info. Those 15"ers are starting to get nice. Too bad they all get caught before they get much larger than that at Hyrum. I'm impressed you get out fishing so often with that young of family. You must have an understanding wife, take good care of her. Hope you keep having good luck. Later J
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Well I have little social life in Utah so I keep to three priorities in life: family, career, and fishing. =) Mostly in that order. It's actually only my third time out this year, but I'm excited for the tourney. My first time was the day it thawed, so she has been lenient during these opening days. She also likes fresh fish, My passion for cooking is probably priority number four. I'm bummed I will be gone on vacation this weekend to South Carolina. Hopefully I'll be able to get in some open-ocean fishing in. I've never been before. So while I am away, save me a prize fish. =)