I have eaten carp, and it is a good eating fish. Its main problem is that it is bony and harder to fillet.
This is a copy from a post I did back in 2010
There are also some videos mentioned in the post. They are really great for learning how to fillet fish with y bones. Pike and carp are very similar bone wise.
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All right this is going to sound weird to most of you, but yes I am confessing, I have cooked and eaten carp.
First step is choose a fish from CLEAN, cold water.
Second step is bleed the fish immediately and then put it on ice.
Third step is to fillet it (and debone it) and remove ALL of the dark meat close to the skin.
Fourth, and this is just my preference, I soaked the fillets in a brine for about 30 min. to an hour. I just used a salt and brown sugar mild brine. This is something I generally do for most game meats, and I thought it might remove any overly strong flavors. I don't know if it was necessary as I didn't leave any fillets out to try and see if there was a difference. I should have, I am curious if it makes a difference.
I then grilled them just to get the actual flavor and not the flavor of a breading.
Actually it was quite good, very mild in flavor. Not like perch or other white fleshed fish. It was a light color and more closely resembled the texture of trout or salmon. Closest description would be the flavor and texture of a reservoir trout.
The main problem with carp is the massive amount of bones in it. They have floating Y bones like pike do. I think that smoked or canned would be a good option with them. Canned would probably be the easiest way to get away from the bone problem.
There is a set of 3 youtube videos on dealing with the bones and filleting carp that are excellent. They are about the silver or flying carp, but the ideas are the same for common carp or pike. Here is the link to the third one on deboning:
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhGkjwxm_0o&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/...&feature=related[/url]
I suggest that you watch at least it and the first one. The flying carp are fascinating. What a pest! The second one shows an easy way to cut it up for frying. Leaving the large Y bones in.
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NVUV8yhmU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NVUV8yhmU[/url]
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB-fmA07gZ8&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/...&feature=related[/url]
Also I should say, that they have a massive egg sack. I have heard that it is prized and eaten in Asian cultures. Also I have heard of caviar being made from it. I imagine that it could be made into some great fish bait for the bait fishing crowd.
Otherwise the pigs should love it, or it will make some great fertilizer if you can bury it to avoid the smell. --- A field far far away!
I just hate to see it go to a land fill, and least of all do I want to see(or smell) any on the banks, or floating belly up in the water!
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Hey, I am glad I am not the only one with the courage to say that they can be good eating. Congratulations to your wife on her catch.
I think that most people who tried it and didn't like it, didn't skin the fish and remove the dark meat. I also think that the problem with the Y bones is that many end up cutting them in half which leaves twice as many smaller bones in. Leave them whole and they are easily removed or eaten around.
Carp are an amazing fight on a fly rod. They are often referred to as fresh water or golden bonefish, as many fly fishermen hunt them out to hone their casting skills on before going to the Gulf. I haven't ever fished for actual bonefish so I can't compare, but carp are sure fun!
Another misconception is that they are easy to catch and will eat anything. I certainly haven't found that to be the case. They spook very easily and are extremely picky about my fly and presentation. I don't know that I would be able to catch very many to make much of a dent in the population.