05-03-2013, 02:58 AM
Made it to Soldier creek this morning at 5 am. Pitch black and you could hear either deer or the elk running all around you.....kind of eary....had or tried to have 2 poles in the water, but the bite was so fast I didn't have time to get the other pole rigged until around 7:30. Fished the inlet just before the ranger station, and the water was only as I could tell, 6-8 feet deep. It took only 3-5 seconds for the sinker to hit the bottom. But the average size fish was 18-20 " and one coming in at 24" and around 3-4 lbs. All caught on power bait or worms and a mallow. Ended up being a nice day....Strawberry it's self is some 40% open depending on the wind. The ladders on the way home was open some half a mile out from shore. Lots of room for a canoe, tube or whatever.