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Hi everybody, just thought i'd ask a few things bring the new guy and being pretty new to fishing. I pretty much just want to do some catch and release fishing from the shore at my local state parks. Only problem is that there only seems to be like 4 kinds of freshwater in my area! Brim, crappie, bass and catfish!!! I think fishing would get old REALLY fast only catching those fish the whole time. Just wanted a good hobby out in nature. I'm pretty brand new to fishing but I got a rod n reel with some lures so I guess thats a start! Any help is greatly appreciated
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Welcome to BFT. What kind of rod, reel, and lures do you own? Bass fishing is awesome and the bream can be fun as well. Each species of fish can take a different method of fishing so when you get tired of one fish switch to the other. I do that when I get tired of trout or bass etc...
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I have a Ugly Stik shakespear rod and a Shimano Sadona 2500FD reel with some wacky worms and a few different sized hooks. I've never been out fishing by myself before in my life so I'm pretty exited to go out soon.
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You have a great start. Bream will take worms tipped on a jig or on a hook under a bobber. Catfish will take it just off the bottom. Bass attack things moving.
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Any tips on how to rig them up or anything? Are crickets or live worms better?? I really wamt to catch some bass. Just not a huge fan of bream. Plus I don't like holding them. Dorsals are to pricky lol. Are state parks good to fish in? How about from the bank? Thats really the only way I want to fish right now.
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Some of the things you have like wacky worms I've never heard of. Yes bream like crickets. For bass I would recommend hitting your local tackle shop (ie: dicks, bass pro, cabelas, or whatever you got close by) and pick up a few of these baits that work in your area.
Plastic worms (can be rigged Texas or Carolina style)
Spinner baits
Buzz baits
Egg sinkers for Carolina rigs
Bullet sinkers for Texas rigs
Offset worm hooks 1/0
Cranks (rapala style or simar)
Clips for easy and quick bait change (similar to swivels)
Plastic grubs and jig heads.
Lots of ways to rig up. For bream depending upon depth size 4 or 6 hook below a bobber or slip bobber. Place split shot weight above hook by about 6 to 12 inches unless using jig head then weight attached to hook. Attach worm/cricket to that.
Catfish hook with bait 6 inches below sinker so when sinker on bottom bait floating off of bottom. Slip bobbers work well here.
For cold water and slow presentations plastics work well. Texas rig or Carolina rigs worm very good. This is where the offset hooks come in. Thread top two beads of worm onto hook up to the eye, pierce worm with hook not going through all the way. Tip of hook will be just under skin. Makes this weed less and when fish bites the hook comes out. These bounced on the bottom are great. (try a you tube search or google search for pics). 3 inch jigs bounced off of the bottom with 1/4 OZ jig head good too.
Cranks are rigged straight to the line or with clips for quick changes. Some have lips some don't also may have rattles, bass love them. These are cast out and retrieved. They swim like fish causing bass to strike.
Spinnerbaits are similar and swam right the bass go nuts. Buzz baits and poppers are top water baits and will cause bass to attack especially in mornings.
This is a start and hope it helps.
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Albinotrout has given you a very good list to start with. Bass fishing can never get boring as you have to figure out what they want to eat when. You can goggle different setups like wackyrig,weightless worm, [my favorite] etc. Fish structure like rocks, trees in water or weed lines. Good Luck.
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Is there somewhere I can go to see pics of these rigs? Will have my freshwater license very soon so I can head out to a state park. Would love to do some travel fishing as well.
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I have some of a display that I made when I was teaching boy scouts how to fish. There are a lot of different baits and rigs these are but a few. They are not the best but they can give you the general idea. If you have any questions about them let me know.
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Thank you very much! Is there a way to find out where to fish locally? Maybe a bait shop around here knows??
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That would be your best bet as well as your state department of wildlife. Since I am out west I don't know your area.