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What is your opinion?
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What comes to mind is the 22nd amendment. Unless Obama can move mountains in the next 4/3 years Its time for a new President.... But if I've learned anything about politics its voting for who is the lesser evil...........
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Isn't that the truth, it can't come soon enough, imo. I'm just surprised that a Newspaper like WSJ would print the truth like this. Did you by chance read any of the comments at the end of the article?
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I copyied it and put it on face book. Got lots of likes from people with brains.
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I guess you cant refute facts, can you ???
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and here comes Elizabeth Warren or Hillary, either is great for America!!!!!
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After the last 6 years of the current Pres I'd say anyone would be better than him but we will see, sure can't get much worse, at least I hope not.
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jobs are up, unemployment is down, stock market is way way up, the deficit has been cut by 2/3 since bushit
oh and 10 million uninsured now have health care
run those facts thru your fox lie machine and let me know what you get hahahahahahahahah
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[quote wiperhunter2]After the last 6 years of the current Pres I'd say anyone would be better than him but we will see, sure can't get much worse, at least I hope not.[/quote]
Vise President Biden???? That there is a nightmare. Nancy Pelosi???? These are who steps up if Obama is booted out. NOT a win win situation. We are screwed till his time is up.
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Keep drinking the Dem Koolaid and watch as our once great country continues its downward spiral you are being deceived and you just do not know it yet,  , sooo  .[:|]
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the country's going to shit because of income inequality, actually . . watch and you might learn something,
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Health Care?????? is that what you call it? Deficit cut "almost" 1/3rd. But I ? if that has anything to do with Obama. Cutting Military spending????? really.
I think the stock market is more that people are getting on with their lives, not because of Obama.
You are right, the deficit did go down Obama's "2" term check these facts out
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The world ain't a nice place and our military is being dismantled. All you folks with the your high priced gubmint edumacation will find that food doesn't come from the store and freedom is not free. The big cities will go first, then chaos. Thank God I'm in Idaho. Sorry I'm just a Reagan era jarhead. Pick up a weapon, walk a post. We've been wussified. Rah!
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[quote flygoddess][quote wiperhunter2]After the last 6 years of the current Pres I'd say anyone would be better than him but we will see, sure can't get much worse, at least I hope not.[/quote]
Vise President Biden???? That there is a nightmare. Nancy Pelosi???? These are who steps up if Obama is booted out. NOT a win win situation. We are screwed till his time is up.[/quote]
I'm glad you made that edit because I wasn't sure how to respond to Chenny being a Nightmare. I couldn't agree more to you statement now.
The new member that brought this old thread up again was a member in the past that went by the username Sourthernman. He had his account disabled before and again now for his uncontrolled rants about political issues. You could present all the facts about his party you wanted and he would refuse to listen. Instead of trying to explain why he was right and we were wrong, in a reasonable manner, he would go into the name calling episodes and basically melt down.
Our liberal slanted media will give you all the facts, according to them, that you care to read but little is based on fact, just their jaded view of the facts. IMO, FOX news does give a better view of the political facts but there are many sources out there that gives the facts, and not the liberal viewpoint of the facts but we have to look for them. (I'm sure you know this Joni, so this is directed to others that might read this thread.)
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Just be thankful Obama can't run again. Or far worse Bush. Speaking of Bush, it sounds like Jeb is going to run. I can see it being Clinton vs Bush. I know people are sick of both families but remember Jeb doesn't have a history of drug and alcohol abuse (can't be good for ones brain) and didn't go AWOL (the evidence is pretty strong even if shut down during campaign with threatened lawsuits). I think we had the wrong Bush last time. I'm sure Huntsman will be in again but can't see him get the nomination. He understands science and doesn't appear to be easily corrupted so that's 2 strikes against him. The party hacks certainly wouldn't want someone that puts the people first before their self interest so make that strike 3. I'm making a prediction if it isn't Jeb or by some miracle Huntsman, Hilary will win even if she picks Monica as a running mate[laugh]. Maybe I exaggerate a bit but she won't have to even have to campaign if a member of the clown show wannabes from last time is nominated.
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[quote big_dick_mcghee]jobs are up, unemployment is down, stock market is way way up, the deficit has been cut by 2/3 since bushit
I guess we could take this pile of bull you are saying and break it down one item at a time. Lets go with the last item, "the deficit has been cut by 2/3 since Bush", here are facts from the link Flygodess provided.
First year of the Bush presidency 2001, Surplus of 207.63 Billion
Second year 2002 $485.97 Billion Deficit
Third year 2003 $485.97 Billion Deficit
Fourth year 2004 $517.54 Billion Deficit
Fifth year 2005 $385.45 Billion Deficit
Sixth year 2006 $291.42 Billion Deficit
Seventh year 2007 $183.79 Billion Deficit
Eighth year 2008 $504.95 Billion Deficit
Now the Obama presidency first year 2009, Deficit $1559.6 Billion
second year 2010 Deficit $1404.99 Billion
third year 2011 Deficit $1367.37 Billion
forth year 2012 Deficit $1134.02 Billion
fifth year 2013 Deficit $691.06 Billion
sixth year 2014 Deficit $492 Billion
Let me see, 2/3 cut since Bush, no, the facts do not say any such thing. The highest deficit during the Bush years was $517 and $504 billion. In comparison the lowest deficit in the 6 years Obama has been in office is $492 Billion, no where near the 2/3 cut you claim. Now lets look at the two highest deficit years of the Obama presidency, $1559.6 Billion and $1404.99 Billion. Wow, looks like just the opposite is true from you statement, highest deficit for Bush $517 billion, highest deficit for Obama $1559 Billion.
Sure you can say the Obama inherented the problems created during the Bush years but Obama was the one that chose the method of how to deal with the problems and his way was to throw money at it. Time will tell if it was the right approach or not but IMHO it was crazy to spend trillions of tax payers money to bail out banks and car companies, then go on the spend trillions more to prop up the stock market.
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I know you may know the answers to these questions:
How many of our citizens have been to boot camp and received combat training?
How many trained by other countries?
How many citizens have gun training?
How many have had hunters safety?
How many homes have guns?
Hope to get Gertrude fixed today, you have a free day in the near future?
What a wonderful world and a great time to be alive, we are truly blessed.
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Ummm, basic civics lesson folks: real power over government policy is held by the legislature. That's why the things that went sour with Bush didn't get much better under Obama. You can pick sides and argue about presidential legacies and work yourself up fighting each other. Meanwhile, the politcal and financial elites laugh at your confusion, help themselves and their corporate buddies to another big slice of your money and business goes on as usual, regardless of which a$$clown sits in the Oval Office. As long as you hate each other, they know that nothing will ever get done on the real thing that wrecked America, campaign finance rules and gerrymandered districts that created a political class more beholden to Big Wealth than voters. OK, folks, no one president ruined America, could you please get that through your  little heads. The problems are systemic, not the work of any individual and that's why they never go away. I don't think it's any coincidence that the breakdown of political civility, the rise of the 1% and the corporate takeover of politics all happened in the same period of time. We are encouraged to fight among ourselves in never ending news cycles of political theater because it keeps us distracted from the buggers swiping extra slices of the pie.
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Sorry Dale can't answer your questions off the top of my head, without doing some checking, so what are the answers?
Sorry my friend, don't have any free time in the near future. I might have to wait until next year.[  ]
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I don't know either, but you fish more than me so that gives you more time to ponder. Lol. Things will slow down for me soon I hope. Praying for snow.