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Heaven knows I have enough fly rods but I went ahead and got a 7'6" 5 wt bamboo rod. This isn't a vintage rod or an investment just an inexpensive one to give it a try and hopefully actually use a bit. I tried out casting on the lawn for a couple dozen cast. About 2/3 rds the casts layed out nicely at 40-50 ft and a third went 20 ft in a pile. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it with a little time on the stream. But I was wondering if anyone has any experience with various lines for bamboo. I'm thinking silk is too much maintenance hassles and relatively expensive. I was thinking of getting Royal Wulff long belly line as I am really impressed how Royal Wulff TT line cast so easily on my 5 wt 2 wt rod. If anyone has any advise including with silk I'm all ears.
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Anglers Roost? I have that same reel and I have a 7'6" 5 wt as well. Actually two of them and extra tips but not from Anglers.
The older boos had smaller guides than the modern do so they went with silk which is a thinner diameter.
Not needed these days. I like your idea of Wulff. I am not a big fan of TT though.
I use SYLK or Selective Trout on mine. Cortland Peach is another favorite for boos.
I also prefer WF though as I like the thinner diameter sooner.
Not that you need to cast distance with any rod, but I figure if I can cast at least 60', the rest is cake. I did manage 68' with a side wind and the Selective Trout.
I might have some SYLK in a 5 is you want to try it first.
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Has any one tried the old vintage lines? I have some that came on an old vintage automatic reel I got??
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what is old vintage line?
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FG you've seen it all. Yes there's a AR decal on the other side of that reel in the second picture. I was think of getting a vintage hardy reel for it but I liked the look of that wood handled Battenkill I already had as well as the wood handled Angler's Roost reel with the bamboo rod. Besides it's not a vintage rod anyways.
Hey, you're the one that recommended that TT line. I didn't like it with my 7 ft 2 wt when I gave it a try. However it's just what the 5 ft rod needs to be able to get off an occasional cast with some distance when needed.
No rod is perfect for all situations. I think I need a fly fishing caddy to carry my various rods. That way I can use the right one for each situation. Up to 14 like in golf should be fine.
Can you still get the selective trout line in WF anywhere? A quick look and I'm only finding a few choices but not in 5wt. Not really familiar with sylk but I'll look at that before deciding as well. Thanks.
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Idk it's dark brown and braided??
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I wish I had seen it all.
I'll check my reels in the morning. If I have it you are welcome to it. We all need to save here and there and I am not using it obviously.
Another choice which is Orvis Superfine.
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Not familiar with braided fly line, but the reel would be majorly cool[  ] I have one that I am not sure is functional on a old Bamboo of my Grandpas on the wall.
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It's a perrine free stripping reel.
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Wife got me a restored South Bend bamboo rod on eBay for $99, and it's been a blast to play with.
There is a fun documentary on Netflix titled "Trout Grass" that covers the creation of a bamboo rod starting with growing cane in China to crafting the rod in Montana.
Went to the builder's website (Sweetgrass Rods) where you can pick up a true classic for $2,000 -- which after seeing the amount of work and skill required seems like a bargain.
Right now, the $99 rod suits me fine.
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I got a Zhus rod on ebay for just a few bucks more than that however shipping was nearly $40. I read extensively the reviews on Zhus rods before purchasing it. When they first started out the reviews were fairly poor. However the reviews I read including ones on a bamboo rod forum where generally very positive about their rods for the last few years. Basically all stating they've learned to make a descent inexpensive rod. Some of the people commenting apparently own those $2000 rods.
So what line are you using with it and how does it perform?
FG - I found a unused Sharkskin Ultimate Trout in 5 wt in my pile. I quick search found people do use and like it with bamboo. Hope it's Kosher to mix Shark Skin and bamboo. Since I already have it I'm going to try it first on that AR reel and hopefully try it in the Uintas with my son today.
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I am using a Sharkskin 5wt on mine and seems to work well, but I have nothing to compare it to. This weekend I want to try it with an Orvis 6wt to see if I can get rod to load faster. Short casts are not good with 5wt, but 20-30 ft. throws a tight loop with a great feel.
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I put the shark skin on and it cast nicely about the same distance with none ended up in piles 20 ft away. I tried to hit a spot 30 ft away. Maybe a 5 -8 mph cross wind was all that was blowing. Most fell roughly a foot away from intended target. Still with less than 50 cast on the rod. I'm not the kind of guy that can practice off water. Hopefully some actual use and I'll start to develop some accuracy.
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Right On. Zhu rods are very nice and you have a choice of tapers. Also there is Tea Stick. Great feeling rods and don't break the bank. And these are a lot lighter than the older South Bend, H&I, Heddon etc. The older longer like 9' were more for wet fly or nymphing if I remember right.
If you get two tips, it is good to alternate using them so the wear the same. Also turning the rod while landing a fish can be a good thing.
It is wood and they do have good coating on them, but still not a good idea putting them away wet.
Sweet Grass had a booth at the Idaho Falls show. Great bunch of guys. And Glenn Brackett who was the bamboo specialist for Winston, is one of the owners and now sells HIS bamboo for about a $1,000 less than Winston.
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Oh, and there are LOCAL bamboo builders as well that build beautiful sticks. One of them is the same builder now putting out the ICON rod.
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Yeah, Glenn Brackett is the builder in the Trout Grass documentary. Amazing craftsman -- as much art as technical skill. You can get a Mantra model for $1,000.
Maybe I'm just a clutz, but we tend to break 2 tip sections per season (broke one at LD on Sat). Not sure I could relax with a $1,000 rod -- but would like to give it a try [cool]
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Wood is a little stronger than Glass or graphite[  ]
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I hear you on the broken $1000 rod even with 2 tips. I haven't broke a rod in over 5 years but not sure if I could relax initially with an expensive bamboo rod. That's part of the reason I went with an inexpensive rod in 5 wt when I mostly use 3 and 4 wt rods that are a bit pricier. The other part is I've spent enough on rods already. Still waiting on my custom 5'8" 1 wt rod- should be here in the next week. But it's a relatively inexpensive rod as well.
Now if anyone needs a rod I'm in the process of getting rid of a few. 1 down so far and about 3 more to go.
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I use SS on my 4 wt. bamboo. Works beautifully. As for you piling up at the end, slow down your stroke and let the rod do the work. This is where a 10 & 2 o'clock ( on a straight plane of course) stroke really works. That's one thing I've learned with cane and 'glass.
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I use the same DT lines on my bamboo that I use on my graphites (sage LL's). Orvis DT-4's. One thing I do on a couple of my bamboos is under-line them by one. I have a 5 weight that casts better for me with a 4. but my other 4-wts work best with a matched 4. A lot depends on the taper of the rod. Some are not as soft as people think of bamboo being. I like the Payne 100 for a softie, and my Dickerson 7613 to cast larger waters, or in the wind, and for a little distance. The 7613 is a 5 weight, but casts best for me with a DT 4.
I'd try your rod with 2 or 3 different line weights.