My opinion of tube vs pontoon for what its worth. After 15 years tubing and the last five with a toon.
You sit highet out of the water so your warmer.
You can haul a lot more stuff, extra rods, lunch, ect..
you can cover a lot more water, expesialy with motor.
It is easiet to cast from, both fly rod and spinning.

Hard to move around on land. You need to be almost at the shore to unload from truck.
You are more at the mercy of the wind. After a day of tunning in the wind my legs are hammered.
Take up more room in truck or suv.
Float tube
More portable on land. No big deal to haul a tube quite a ways
Not as hard in the wind. I beleive that because you but is below the waterline you are more stable
take less room in truck or suv.

Colder as you are more in water
Cant cover as much watet.
harder to cast from.
All in all there are situations that a tube works well and some that a tube works well. I find though I am using my tube more than my pontoon latley. Its just easier to grab and go and takes less time to get on the water. Also i have been river fishing in tne afternoons when float tubing and it is easier to deflate the tube and leave it in the front of my truck.