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Yep...that was me (Scofield Report)
We got an early start this morning and arrived at Scofield before the sun was up. We were the first people near the shacks. For some stupid reason I listened to my buddy and tried driving my car down to the lakes edge. Part way down I realized that it was one of the stupidest things that I"d ever done! After more than an hour of trying to get back up the hill and the scoffing of several "not so simpathetic" fishermen (Thanks buddy, I already knew I did a stupid thing), a highway patrolman in a 4x4 drove by. He helped pull me the rest of the way out.

So, we finally got on the ice by about 8:30 and I then realized that something was wrong with my auger. The only thing I can figure is that I put the new blades on upsidedown. A really nice guy helped me out with his power auger and we were finally good to go.

I think we just caught the last end of a good bite because the fishfinder was beeping like crazy and we could hardly keep our lines in the water they were hitting so fast. But, that only lasted about 15 min, then it was dead for almost two hours! About 11:30 another 15 minute bite came on and the finder went wild, but then it died again. We ended up landing 15 fish, but I can't help but think that we'd of done a lot better if we would have had that 90 min back.

The coolest part of the day was when I hooked into what very well may have been the biggest trout that I've ever had on the line. It was a monster of a rainbow that I fought for about five min. I never saw his whole body at one time through the hole because he was so big. I know he had to be at least 4#, but I that's a conservative guess. I got his head up to the hole and and he gave it a hard head jerk and there went my line! DOH!! I think the whole lake heard me cry out in agony! All I wanted was a measurement and a picture with him! He would have gone back afterwords, if only he'd known! When fish get that big, I find them to be less tasty anyways.

We were using paddle bugs in pink and white tipped with a piece of crawler and covered in Crawdad smelly jelly. Because we didn't have an auger of our own, we had to stay close to where the nice guys were fishing. I wanted to search out the river channel that IFG talked about, but I guess that'll have to wait until next year. We were over 18 feet of water, but fishing in 13-14 feet.

Can't wait for Strawberry to freeze. That drive to Scofield was brutal for me, so I think I'll just stick with the duck hunting until then. It seems like the latest I remember Strawberry freezing was January 11th or so, hopefully it will harden by the time the New Year comes this year!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]When it rains it pours! Man, nothing like getting stuck, then the auger won't cut, then lose your biggest fish ever...[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Sounds like you had a fun day regardless. Did you tell your friendly ice hole diggers about BFT?[/size][/font]
it takes the rough ones to make the good ones seem better.

Ice will be walkable soon at the berry.
You know...I actually thought about bringing up BFT, but I just wasn't sure how to bring it up in conversation.

You'd think I'd have it down by now. The Internet has been good to me. I revolve my free time around information I get off of this board. Also, I met my wife online. :-)
that was a great report! I really enjoyed reading it . . . sorry you had some drama, but glad you caught fish!

hey budy i passed that same state trooper on my way to the lake up in the canyon.. i was in the dark blue jeep that parked just a little ways past where you got stuck... we did great out there today!! we went out about 1/2 to the island and had schools of fish around most the day.. we were hiting them on glow ice flys and wax worms on the top hook and a glow tube jig and minnow on the bottom.. fishing up about 2 to 3 feet off the bottom.. we were in 16' of water.. the two of us caught 25 to 30 fish each and brought home 4 keepes each all the keeps were over 3 lbs and my buddy caught one that was about 4 1/2 lbs most the big ones we caught was on the minnows that i got from a river nere here this summer.. but the biggest one we got today was on a ice fly with wax worm..worms was working good to but just small one there..

from the fuzzyfisher----------------------fish on dudes
oh yeah one more thing i frogot to put in we stoped over to e-lake before we went to scofield this morning..still some open water down by the dam [mad] but the temp was -14 there this morning so i say 1 more week and it will be safe to fish[cool]

well fish on dudes
Don't feel bad, Shrimpboy. One thing I left out of my post on Saturday at Scofield was that I did the same damn thing as you to start out my day[blush], but luckily for me I had chains in my car, so I got myself out, but it still waisted about 45 minutes of AWESOME fishing. I got there at 7:20 or so, but didn't get on the ice till 8. DAD BLASTED!!!!! [mad] That was when the best fishing was too, but my buddy and I still managed to catch about 15 in 4 hours. Problem was, just when we were getting the hang of turning those 30 bites we had each into hooked fish, it was 12 and we had to go 'cause he had prior obligations in Provo @1.

So, I can feel some of your pain, bro, but I didn't lose any 5 lb.'ers though, but my friend did catch a 2.8 lber fat 19 inch Bow.[cool]

Good luck next trip. I would go this weekend, until the berry freezes up, but I planned a trip a long time ago to Pyramid Lake, Nevada (near Reno) to fish with my step dad. World record Cut was caught there (41 lbs in 1970-somthing), so wish me luck, and I'll give a full report on Sunday eve.
good luck catching a lahontan cutthroat in Nevada! Please post a report on the Nevada Board too . .


nevada mod
Do you have to stand on ladders in Pyramid Lake? I saw that in a magazine a while back. Good luck!!
No problem, Bro. My stepdad should have his digital camera with him for his website ( and I'll have him e-mail them to me, and I'll get somebody on this board to show me how to post pics on here and I'll do it Sunday eve.[cool]
im thinking about driving to walker lake this weekend . . .

Mr. Lipripper, we won't be using ladders, just trolling from my dad's friends cabin cruiser. They use ladders at an awesome flyfishing spot called "the nets". They get on those things and get their shooting tips and sinking line and cast out wooly worms and wooly buggers, and do pretty dang well, but the trollers do pretty well too. My dad has caught a 36 incher once, and 6,7,8 pounders pretty frequently. The biggest I ever caught there was about 4 pounds, but I'm hoping to outdo that this weekend. Welp, I've gotta jet to my last appointment of the evening. Catch you fellas later on.[Wink]
Nice Choice, Southernman! There's still some nice fish in there but because of the Alkali(sp?) levels in there, the bigger Lahontan Cut's seem to be dieing off, so lets pray for moisture. You don't see the 12 pounders in there these days, but you can still get one around 3 or 4 pounds I think. My stepdad's website has updates on that body of water also. There's a great baitshop there in Hawthorne, but I can't remember the name of it. I've fished that lake quite a few times (it's an hour away from Fallon where I grew up from age 6-18...Reno before that). So do you live in the Vegas area I take it, or St. George? Good fishin' to ya if you go there this weekend!

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