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great morning at the pine
me and my buddy got on the ice about 6 left at 10. caught 40 fish between us.. all crappie nice ones to.. then to throw in a surprise 2 huge small mouths!!! pictures included. great day out there.. was surprised with no perch but it was still best day ive had there.
Those are some nice Crappie. Nice going!

The smallmouth are really huge and healthy! There was a thread going on BFT about best/favorite bass fisheries in Utah. Have to include Pineview. I think we forget there are some really nice large and smallmouth bass in there.[Smile]
Great job on the smalls ... where at on the pine were you fishing?? My wife caught a 3 1/2 lb small near the dam back in Aug.
Nice job man. I'm guessing my next full day pineview trip will be at the end of the month on the new moon phase or close too it [Wink]. Haven't caught a nice bass out of that lake since 2011 with that huge flood. Gosh that was a great year. Literally go in the flooded tree area in the summer toss some lure and they would be everywhere.

Looking forward for another report.
Those are some real Beauties!! Congrats!!
nice job, I bet you could tell right away which was the bass and which was the crappie based on the fight they put up. I caught SMB in pineview one year and it fought like crazy compared to the perch that felt like a wet sock on the hook. Good times!
oh Ya!! they fought great. I honestly thought I somehow hooked a musky just cause it was heavy and stripping my line out! on the finder they were huge to so when I hooked them I knew they were big fish compared to the crappie
I believe it, those smallies are tough. Last time I went to Powell I ended up targeting them because they were so much fun to catch, and tasty!
That is freaking awesome!
way to go D, thanks for the invite.
I thought youd be working again on a wednesday!! next time for sure.. [fishin]
i work graves. always got time to fish in the mornings
Congrats. I want to get 1 threw the ice so bad that is seriously awesome

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