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i'm heading over to the east side of the mit in the a.m. for some winter steelies . i've had my fill ( at least for one day ) of looking for "bull  le ".
i canned my old waders and it's too far to run to cabella's for a set of new waders , so i'm hoping i don't have to go further than the bank to land a bullet or two .
if i do , then you guy's better get used to the guy with smirf feet ! lol !
get ready to rumble fish , i'm coming to rock your world , yeeee haaaaa !
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Oh lonehunter,
In my experience I've never thrown away any part of my beloved waders. It's a parts thing. I've used parts big time as needed.
Bull  le!!!! As far as my hero in the whole wide world is concerned, Bull  le resides in Frostbite Falls, as we all know, and the latest crisis is that the up-sa-daisayium mine which materials used in producing the secret weapon shush-kaboom is in danger of being taken over by those in the evil trawlers USSR Boris and USSR Natacha in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Of course, 'Fearless Leader' is behind the whole plot!
We must redouble our efforts to thrart this hideious threat.
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Do what you got to do there buddy. Can't let an equipment problem put a hamper on the lifestyle. Heck, even when I was tubin with TD and my son, I was sitting for some long periods of time while fishing. As my assets got sore, I would just kick over to the bank(still fishing) and stand up for a spell(still fishing) untill I was ready to take a seat again.[cool]
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i'ts a hour and a half ride over to bassass's house from mine and another half hour to the foote dam site or oscoda where i do the steelhead fishing , a trip like that demands an all day fishing " go for broke " attitude . there's ice all along the river bank wich will give you an idea on how cold the water is . ten minutes in cold running water without some protection is enough to give you the smirf feet let alone gell your blood and invite the old heart-a-stroke in your direction .
i'm talking the kind of cold that makes that trip up to the public outhouses a decision making trip , men's or has the cold made you qualify for the lady's facility ? lol !
not that i'm a die-hard fishing fanatic or anything like that , but once the shakes pass and the sinking of a fishing hook into my frosen fingers no longer hurts when pulling them out , i figure well it can't get much better than that . so i just keep on fishing untill a big old steelhead comes along to get the adrelin pumping .
i just can't picture myself warming up in the jeep knowing a record steelie just might swim by my spot while i'm waiting for the ice cycles to thaw off the moustache . i can't pass a fish like that up , cold or not .
not that i'm a die hard fishing fanatic or anything like that ...........
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That's what I miss the most about ice fishing. The good old icecicles hanging off of parts of the body. And the yellow snow in those dire emergencies.
If I'm in an isolated area and the mens room is full I really don't mind the ladies room. Besides, it's all going to the same place anyways. haa haa.[cool]
When you got to go, you got to go.
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what is the difference between trout and steelhead. i have heard something like the steelheads meet is red and trout is white....or visa versa.
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in all honesty , i couldn't tell you . it's been a long time since i've eaten one . venison is the only harvested creature my whole family enjoys together , i keep just enough fish for myself .
i live in an area that is economicly challenged to say the least , there are older folks that barley have enough to get by on , grapes of wrath kinda thing .
now i ain't no saint mind you , but stopping by for a visit to some of these people and having them "help me out" because i got no room in the freeser , seems the best way to top off a fishing trip .
my reward is getting out in the great outdoors , having a fight with the best darn fish to brawl with , and having the satisfaction of knowing these people appreatiate having the ability to help someone else out in time of need .
there dignity is left intact and there plates a little fuller .
i'm really not sure of it's flesh color , but what a fighting fish it is !
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i give away quite a bit of my fish too.. i caught 2 15 pound yellowtail about a month ago and filleted them at home. i still had some fish in the freezer so i just walked around offering fish to my neighbors. they were very grateful for it. i got a bunch of compliments telling me that i was such a nice kid for giving away such a good tasting fish[laugh][  ]
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that,s cool but tell me will ya, what,s a yellow tail?? breed?? have a nice christmas, new years ]
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a yellowtail is a saltwater fish that is in the Jack family. they have a yellow stripe down the lateral line, and well.... a yellow tail( DUH!) haha... they are a well prized fish. it is one of the hardest fighting fish that you can catch fairly close to shore in california. they are all over the world. in australia and on the east coast, i think they call them kingfish... somebody correct me if im wrong. the world record for one was just recently caught. it was 91.7 pounds i think. BIG FISH!
here are some pictures of one.
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awsome fish ! what kind of set-up do you use for them ?
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well... you can "flyline" a bait. thats when you just use a hook tied directly to the mainline without any weight. or if the fish are down deeper, you can put a 1/4, 3/8, 1/2oz. sliding sinker. you could use squid, anchovie, sardine, or mackerel for bait.
you can also use a rig called a "dropper-loop". this is when you tie a loop on the mainlie and add a torpedo sinker. this type of weight looks like an elongated football with one ring on each side. and one the tag-end of that knot, you tie a hook. you use the same bait listed above.
the last type of bait is a jig. there is a picture of one attached. with these, you cast out, with 30# line minimum, let it sink a little bit, and wind in really slow, or really fast. just so that the jig is "kicking".
another method of using one of these jigs is called "yo-yo".
for this method, you use a heavier jig, 5oz. or more, and you let it sink near the bottom. when it gets there, you get your line tight, and you lift your rod tip so that the jig comes up in the water, and then you drop your rod tip. when the line becomes tight again, lift your rod tip again. and this method contiues until you get hooked up on a fish, or you can wind up as fast as you can about 40 feet, and drop it back down again and repeat the process.
i dont like "yo-yo" fishing. thats work! all of these methods are not only used to catch yellowtail. all the fish in the sea like the bait presented this way.
hope this helps.
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your fine, king, haha you are doin alright whether your talk8in or listenin haha me too wish everybody good time christmas, dont know bout you guys but i,m gittin hungry. hahah now that huntins over as fer as deer, we,re gonna go coyote huntin. jack got me, one of those new, type of calls, it,s the battery operated call that makes different noises to call em in. ya know. think there cool. we had a good laugh, we stuck the speaker behind the tree, and when justin went to git his present it started cluckin like the turkey. he was scat. at first, then stood there scratchin his head, wonderin and we,re tryin not to laugh. haha but i never see a kid take the presents out of a bag so quick in my life. hahaha he thought it was comin out the bag. cute. he finally figured it out. he,s 8 now. just turned it 2 days before my son. haha what a riggin. well hope all had fun. now, happy new year.[  ]
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hey joe that,s one big fish!!1 cool done good. i never caught one that big yet. but5 then, i,d rather catch somethin that ain,t big enough to eat me. haha he,s pull me over the boat or drag me in, haha with my luck haha have a good day. there,s alot of breeds!! huh. what a head on it. good eatin?? later. [  ]
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ya know, some people absolutly LOVE yellowtail as a tablefish, but me, i dont like it very much. if i cook, and catch it, which i usually do, i will eat it. if it is store bought. i will heat up a can of soup. but even then, i dont really enjoy yellowtail. it is a very fishy tasting fish. but some people like that, so i cant complain.
they are an absolute blast to catch though.
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hey joe, well i don,t care too much fer tooo tasty of a fish either, strong, tastin i guess i,m tryin to say, but if there fun catchin i can handle that. haha.tain,t like we can,t throw em back, haha right?? WELL I HADSQUID THE OTHER NITE AT THE CHINESE RESTRAUNT< FIRST TIME I EVER HAD IT< THAT WAS REAL FISHY TASTIN<> THOUGHT I<D NEVER TRY IT< JUST FROM THE SOUND OF IT< AND WHAT THEY ARE< BUT MA ALWAYS SAID IT<S GOOD TO TRY NEW THINGS< HAHA I DID BUT IT WAS ENOUGH> HAHA ARE THEY ON THE LINE LIKE A BLUE FISH AS FER AS BEIN OILY?? i know some are. sorry bout the capitals. i,m not hollerin haha it stuck. haha well catch ya later. did ya have a good christmas?? hope so.[  ][cool]