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Cascade, Idaho perch
[fishin]Myself,pikeman,wyoguy,rowdyfish fished a big perch lake in Cascade, Idaho Friday and Saturday. We caught perch over one and a half pounds and lots of them. Enclosed are a few pictures. Enjoy
Looks like a fantastic trip! I need to get up there someday.
yes thanks again magnaman
Had a great time fishing with you, you forgot K2muskie
yes yes thank you to k2muskie [:p]
Im jealous. One of these days I need to make the trek up there. Perch that size are worth a long trip
Glad to see that you guys had a good time!
Nice job once again, sounds like an all star team from BFT up there. Glad the fish were willing to play. Congrats later J
Nice fish. Is that Mike Hall with you?
Yes, that's Mike. He was already there and hooked up and fished with us the first day we were there. He offered some helpful insight for locations to go.
Yep thats Mike Hall. Very nice guy who donated lures, tips and helped with locations. Was great fishing with him. Very knowledgeable fella. For me personally his tips helped and the Sonic Baitfish Lure he gave us a few weeks ealier was the lure I caught all my PB Cascade Perch on. His tips on using the lure were also great. [Smile][Smile]
If I'm not mistaking the 2nd picture is the new Idaho state record caught by Woodland who I believe is from Idaho.

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