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Ok, Just out of curiosity due to responses on another thread. What is your favorite fish to go after and why. I'll Start. I just want to see how many pick Trout.
As you can tell, mine is Walleye folowed by Perch.
Walleye are very Challenging to Catch and of course for table fare they are hard to beat in my opinion.
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same man, eyes, perch, crappie, pike, wipers. and all the bass species.
Tablefare is one thing and just the pursuit of finding these fish is what makes it worth it when you do get into them its sweeeet!!!
I still do like to catch big trout on the rivers with my flyrod.
If i had to choose im going after perch and eyes though
also i like a challenge when im fishing, catching slimers out of the reservoirs that have no fins and a just not real nice to look at is not my ideal fishing at all[  ]
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Trout and salmon are my picks. Perch come next, but only for the pan. They are dead simple to catch, so that keeps the kids interested. If the DWR came out and gave the choice to the public to manage for trout or warm water only, I'd pick trout without blinking.
That being said, if fished many other states and can honestly say I'm proud of the job that our biologists do. We have a huge diversity within about an hour or so drive of every resident of this state. Well done DWR!!
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For the pure thoughts of challange & great taste, I choose walleye. For enjoyment of a good fight, and not a bad eater either, Wiper. (which I had never heard of till I moved here). When I want to be lazy and just sit and soak worms, the big whiskers of course, and I like to eat them too.
For pure challange, always intending to CPR, LM Bass.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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[quote gmwahl] Perch come next, but only for the pan. They are dead simple to catch, so that keeps the kids interested.
im not talking 7 inch PV dinks either, 12 inches plus.
definatly not easy all the time, like fishing for any species it can be easy at times and others its tough to get a bite.
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For me its northern pike. Next up is Tiger Trout, Green Sunfish and Lake Trout.
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I'm an omnipisc (to coin a very useful word). I like any and all fish, whether it's the seeking, the catching, or the eating.
I've fished all my life (well, since age three) and have used flyfishing, spinning, spincast, casting, canepoles, ice rods, trotlines, cast nets,and even jug fishing gear.
I've also eaten some of every species I've ever caught, with very few exceptions. Liked 'em all, too.
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Gotta agree with you there. Big perch are not as easy to find, but if i do find the school of jumbos they are as aesy as the dinks mist of the time. And when they are not on the bite, i would swear they didn't exist and go mad trying to catch just one! I guess I should also go on record saying that I DO love fishing for warm water fish and am happy we have them here. They are good eating and reproduce fast. Walleyes are fun and so are bass. If I could give a third place ranking behind trout and perch it would probably be catfish.
The one thing we need to remind ourselves, is that evolution over millions of years has placed trout and suckers in our state and the bodies of water and climate are favored by those fish. I think it's amazing that despite that, we have so many cool and warm water options available to us.
I live on Bear Lake because I love the fishing there above most other places, but I still fish the cache valley water every chance I can for bass, catfish, perch, walleye, etc....
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Walleye for fishing, with big perch topping the list for tablefare and walleye close behind.[fishin]
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When I first started fishing in Utah I loved fishing the smallmouth and wipers. However, in the last three years I've really gotten into fishing for tiger muskies. They are very challenging to fish for, but can be so worth it. There's nothing like having a 40"+ fish come out of nowhere and crush your lure a few feet from the boat! The funny thing is that in the process of fishing for muskies, I've caught the biggest smallies and largemouth that I've ever caught. You'd be surprised at the size of lure those things will hit! I still like to fish for the wipers too, but don't troll for them anymore. Once they start to boil though.... game on! In the spring and fall I enjoy throwing tubes, and minnow baits for the trout as well. I don't keep any fish, everything goes back, so its not about table fare for me.
All in all, I think that the DNR has done a great job of providing us with plenty of fishing options in this state, so my hats off to them [  ] Fred K.
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I just like catching fish….for me, I go through cycles where my interests change. Lately, I have been really interested in stripers, wipers, and pike. But, most of the time the easiest fishing fix revolves around trout.
I can say for certain, though, that I never target walleye…I think they are the worst fighting fish out there and terrible sport fish. When I am fishing for pike or stripers at powell and catch them, though, I will keep them to eat. I am so glad that more of our waters aren't managed for these fish….they would give the sport of fishing a bad name because there is no real sport in catching them!
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Is this going to turn into a "see I told you so" thread so you feel better if it goes your way? Just wondering.
I enjoy virtually all fish species at different times of the year. I don't eat too many so it's all about the challenge and fun of the catch.
All bass -- LM, SM, Striper, whites and wipers are #1 for the techniques used and the fight. I eat very few but they are good.
Trout are #2 and only worth catching. I love the battle on the fly, hardware or bait. I target certain waters with larger specimens 18"+ with the exception of high elevation or small stream trout which are just plain fun to chase. Current years planters aren't much fun.
Sunfish are #3. 100+ fish days are way too much fun to ignore. Good eats if my kids can convince me to fillet them.
Walleye is #4. Challenging fish and not too common near me. If I keep a fish to eat, this is it.
Perch is #5. Fun to catch. Great to eat like walleye.
Catfish/Carp are #6. Big cats and carp are a blast to fight. I'll eat an occasional cat but use the carp to feed the other predator fish.
I also love grayling, whitefish and kokanee when I get a chance to fish for them.
Pike/musky. I haven't caught either one yet so this may change at any time.
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Sturgeon -- hands down. I will fish for about everything else; however, I only fish for perch to keep from being skunked. Walleye are OK to catch but fight like a wet dish rag.
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Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
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First and foremost; Trout. Any and all species. Sometimes it's as much for where they are as it is for any other reason. Even a 12 inch, "finless freddy" has more fight than any perch, and most Walleye.
Second, Kokanee.
Third, Wipers, Stripers.
Fourth, other bass.
Fifth, Walleye. They fight like sh@t, but they taste okay. As one guy I know puts it: It's not that they taste all that great, they actually have very little flavor of their own, but they make a great vehicle for the assorted spices used to cook them in. I used to fish for them a LOT. They aren't all that challenging. They are either biting, or they're not. And once you've figured them out, they are simple to catch. Dragging a worm harness is almost as difficult as lobbing out a gob of power bait. If you've got an arsenal of tackle for trout and that's all you've ever fished for then Walleyes represent a new challenge. But if you've got the tackle and a boat for Walleyes it's a matter of putting the lure in front of them.
Sixth. ANYTHING that isn't a perch. Yellow Perch are a plague. If they would grow bigger than your typical 8 inch 'dink' then they'd rank right up there with Walleye. But if they're able to spawn and reproduce they wind up overpopulating and you have nothing worth bothering with.
I don't fish to have fish for dinner. I fish to go fishing.
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Brown trout for me. I grew up reading about the giants in Flaming Gorge in its hay day and I have never been able to get them out of my head. I wish Utah would stock them. I love catching Kokanee for table fair.[fishon]
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It depends more on how I feel like fishing for the day. Then pursue the fish for that type of fishing. Be it soaking some bait for some catfish or pounding the shorelines for bass on to trolling for some eyes.
The only options for fishing when I was young was trout so I'm kind lost all interest in them unless they are all that are biting.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
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I like to fish for trout the best, first lakers, rainbows, and brook trout. Then second come in catfish. [fishin]
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I agree with you on the Walleye. A real challenge to catch and great eating!
My favorite fish to eat are as follows: Walleye, Perch, Crappie, Bluegill, Wiper, Bass, and Catfish. I'm not a Trout or Salmon fan. I like the fight, but rarely eat one.
Wiper is without a doubt my favorite fish to catch, always put up a good fight!
Catfish and Bass are my next two favorites to catch.
The pan fish may not put up a great fight, but they make up for it on the plate!
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I like fishing for whatever species I can. Some days it's
Trout other days it's bass, perch, walleye, pike, and bream. So no real definitive choice here. But if I had to go and my choices were slim I would probably choose warm water over cold because of the different species available.[cool]