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Thursday Tournaments that fit YOUR schedule
I wanted to see who would be interested in Thursday tournaments as we are just finalizing up a schedule for Thursday tournaments (bass mainly) that will have almost all locations within one hour of SLC so that people can fish on weekdays and still make it home by 5pm.
Tournaments will be on the first and third Thursday of the month starting in May and finishing in August or Sept (date to be decided based on participation). We will not fish on the first Thursday in July - only the third Thursday that month due to the holiday.

In talking to people I have realized there are people that would like to fish tournaments but Saturdays due not work for them due to family, obligations, dislike fishing with all the "power squadron" or work schedules. So THIS is an opportunity for those of you that would like to fish small tournaments to have a chance to do so on a weekday. Also it is a GREAT chance for those of you that want to learn more about bass fishing to have a good time and learn a lot about techniques and mindset to fishing for Bass and tournaments in general.

This will be an angler/coangler format where there is a draw a few days before each tournament (exact date has not been decided as the Tuesday before would be best so people know if they will make it for sure but the Thursday before could be nice so you can prefish together over the weekend if you would like).
This drawing will more than likely via Skype or the like so that it is "live" and so everyone can see who they are fishing with and it will be drawn at random.
Tournaments will be first safe light until 1:00 or 2:00pm.

The reason for not doing team tournaments is there will be an end of the year championship and some people's schedule may not allow them to attend all events and we do not want those other "team mates" at a diSadvantage when a "team member" could not make it.

It will be a "paper tournament" as to keep it as simple as possible and minimize fees paid out of entry fees so that maximum amount (100%) of entry fees can be paid out to contestants.

DO POST IN THIS THREAD if you are interested in fishing these tournaments as they will be held at Deer Creek, East Canyon, Jordanelle, Pineview and Starvation (possibly a mantua or Utah Lake one depending on interest and water levels).
Also do post if you would be an Angler (boater) or co-angler (non-boater).
Do consider including single-man entries, so that those of us in kayaks or other personal craft could participate. Possibly make it a special category, as they do in some of the redfish tournaments.
I'm in. Boater[Wink]
Yes, entertaining the idea, Boater...
Single craft like kayak or float tube could be considered as as boater by their self possibly - the nice thing about a boater/non-boater is since it is a paper tournament it helps ensure "honesty" and minimizes any "disagreements" from people where someone was fishing alone and wins....
I'm in..non boater
I will be in as a non boater for most of the events.
[fishin]I'm in as a non-boater. What are the entrance fees going to be?
I am interested and could be either a boater or non-boater
If you allow the "single boater" aspect, I think I'd like to participate. Just for fun, and I promise not to win, LOL!
I would attend some events as a boater.
I hate/love fishing on the weekends. I wish I could help you out on this one bro. If I could get away on Thursdays this would be my ideal tourney schedule.
At most tournaments they end up with more boaters then non so they could (float boats or tubers ) could fish as non boaters..
I'm in as a boater..
Well, we are narrowing in on a schedule and final format.

It will be individual points but fish as a team with a different partner (via draw) for at each tournament.

The reason for this is that if someone can not make a tournament or two they are not negatively impacted by a partner that can not make it, also it facilitates an environment where the two people fishing together for the day are much more likely to "help" eachother and share info. We want to have a fun, competitive environment that facilitates people learning and growing the sport of Bass fishing!

So the team that wins a tournament - EACH angler on the team - will receive 100 points and 99 for 2nd , 98 for 3rd and so on...
The points will be calculated per individual at the end of the year for overall awards.

Each angler will be allowed/required to "drop" their lowest place of the year so for example if someone can not make it to a tournament they can miss one for the year and still theoretically win the overall for the year.
These rules are very similar to SUBA Southern Utah Bass Anglers

Entry fee will be $30 boater and $20 non boater unless anglers would prefer $30 each for boater and non-boater....YOUR input is appreciated.

Sample schedule for the year:

May 1st - Deer Creek
May 15th - East Canyon
June 5th - Pineview
June 19th - Starvation
July 17th - Jordanelle
August 7th - Lake that produced 2nd heaviest bag of the year (not same as aug 21)
August 21st - Lake that produced the heaviest bag of the year

Have considered Pelican or Mantua as well for a May 1st but afraid the drive may be too far for our first tournament of the year.

Please do PM me your input.

Thank you
Sounds fun!! Pelican would be prime may 1st.[Wink]
Other input if Pelican would detour you from coming to the May 1st tourney vs at Deer Creek... I think Pelican will fish much better bags than DC on May 1st....but much longer drive for most.

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