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had drew on the phone for over an hour asked him about eyes and trout and bass,, I now support the dwr they have a tough job to do and they are getting it done im onboard you should be to,
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Anything good coming up? I agree their job is definitely not easy.[cool]
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an hour and we get 2 sentences? Come on...Details!!!
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[#0000FF]Now if you could only convince Bassrods...
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[font "Calibri"]They do have a tuff job and from a biological stand point both Drew Cushing and Chris Penne know their waters. Where they get beat-up is on the moral issues.[:/] [/font]
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"Maybe he could drug him and take him back east."
[#0000FF]Wonder if cannabinol would work on THOSE seizures. Snorting Smelly Jelly sure doesn't seem to help.
And you aren't taking him far enough east. What's wrong with the Ukraine? He would have that mess sorted out in no time.
Sorry Cliff. Too big a target.
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Please tell me they bought a magic wand, a crystal ball, and a decoder ring..
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After a great phone conversation with zman2 I felt that I owed the good folks on this forum an update on the DWR's progress in the fisheries world.
I would first like to say that I really do appreciate the criticism that is voiced on this forum. We (DWR) only manage your fisheries. We make every attempt to do the best we can with the tools that we have and with your continued criticism we will continue to manage your fisheries as well as we can.
1. The legislature just passed a license fee increase. This will be a $6 increase in fishing licenses, but you no longer need a two rod permit to fish with two rods. Quite a bit of the proceeds of this fee increase will go towards building a brand new warmwater hatchery. Construction on this new facility could start as early as this summer.
2. The DWR is cooperating with all of the western states in order to accelerate the perfection of sterile fish production. These would include in order of highest to lowest priority. 1. Tiger musky 2. Wipers 3. Sterile walleye 4. saugeye 5. sterile smallmouth bass 6. Sterile crappie. The production and swapping of these fish across the western states will open up great flexibility for management that we don't have currently due to native species concerns.
3. We have completed angler driven management plans on Yuba Reservoir, Kolob Reservoir, Panguitch Lake, Strawberry Reservoir and are busy working on plans for Fish Lake, the Boulder Mountains, and will initiate work groups for Willard Bay, Jordanelle and Pelican Lake this year some time. We have been collecting age and growth from many of our black bass water in response to more restrictive regulation requests from anglers. We should be ready to present the biological information at the conclusion of this field season and be able to discuss the situation at our bass waters at that time.
4. Wayne Gustavenson will be busy this year working with a very comprehensive group to draft a management plan for Lake Powell that will address the possible management changes to Lake Powell due the the quagga mussel that are spreading throughout the Lake.
5. This year we have a request in to Colorado and Nebraska for saugeye that would be introduced into two waters (Pineview Reservoir and I believe Otter Creek Reservoir).
6. We have requested walleye as well from the same two states for Willard Bay. This is not to augment the walleye but to assess the benefit of stocking walleye at time in our walleye waters when we have years of failed recruitment. This happens when we have decreasing water levels during the walleye spawn.
One thing that I would like everybody to do is to keep an open mind. I am an angler as well and as anglers we believe that we know exactly what is going on under the water.
The truth is biology is a science and if we do our job correctly and you work with us to help us understand what kind of fishery you want, which is the point of all of the management plan work groups, we can do great things. We have a great staff of regional managers and biologists and are eager to move forward into areas that not possible a few years ago. Please work with them and trust the biology.
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Thanks for the input Drew. And also a thanks for what you guys do.
I'm glad you came on here and posted that.
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Thanks for the update Drew. Good to know what the plans are. Keep up the good work.[cool]
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Thanks for the update. Excellent!
[quote dowhatwecan]
3. We have completed angler driven management plans on Yuba Reservoir, Kolob Reservoir, Panguitch Lake, Strawberry Reservoir and are busy working on plans for Fish Lake, the Boulder Mountains, and will initiate work groups for Willard Bay, Jordanelle and Pelican Lake this year some time. We have been collecting age and growth from many of our black bass water in response to more restrictive regulation requests from anglers. We should be ready to present the biological information at the conclusion of this field season and be able to discuss the situation at our bass waters at that time.
Do you know approximately when these work groups will be selected?
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For sure he need to leave Utah if he doesn't like the bass fishing here instead of us listening to that little girl crying/screaming a few times a year. Might slap a fly rod in his face for the first time in his life till he says the bass fishing is decent here.
I know I'm not snorting any smelly jelly lately. More like snorting sharp woolly buggers right over here [laugh].
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As always a class act Drew. Thank you!!!!
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I heard a saying once that went something like this: We have accomplished so much with so little for so long that the bastards want us to accomplish it all with nothing. Kinda makes me think of the job the DWR is trying to do. Everybody is a damn expert and willing to badmouth the DWR. Ah 'spect them-uns orter kiss my bASS.
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[#0000FF]EXCELLENT !!!!!!
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I did participate in the survey about the boulder mtns. Are you planning on having any public forums to discuss the management plans?
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[#0000FF]I'm assuming you meant to address your remarks to Drew...but clicked on my post.
Try again?