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And by "HOAX" I really mean, "STUD". Outside of an Alaska trip some 15 years ago, and a few shark expeditions in TX a decade ago, I've never had a guide put me on fish. Man, how dumb could I be?
I went out to Sand Hollow with His Way Guide Service on Sunday (man, I love Conference!) and wow, did we have a day. Let me say that I live 10 minutes from Sand Hollow and I've been fishing it hard for the last month. I've caught one fish. One. In less than three hours with Greg we boated twenty two. I could go on and on about the fishing, what we were using, etc. but what's the point? You all know that crap already. What you might not know is how much fun it was to be out there with Greg, and how badly I want to go out with him again. As far as human beings go, Greg is one of the better ones I've ever met. He knows his stuff, is polite to the point of ridiculousness, and has a solid heart. I couldn't recommend him any harder without getting a marriage license. It was that good.
Call him. Get on his books. Catch a lot of fish. Learn a lot of new things.
You all can thank me later.
FYI, for those who were hoping for something different than my man-crush-rant...
Water temp was 61 degrees at 4pm, most fish were caught in 10 to 20 feet of water, and we moved around the lake quite a bit trying to escape the gnarly wind. We took all of the fish off the bottom bouncing lead-head jigs and olive/white paddle tail minnows.
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I will 2nd that!
Greg is awesome. I've been out on his boat as a client a couple times at Sand Hollow. He knows his stuff, puts you on fish, and is just a great dude.
I might be wrong, but I think he will be on "Hooked on Utah", on April 19th. His site probably has more info on it.
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Very cool TBD, glad you were finally able to get into them! Plus I am a softy for a budding Bromance! [cool][cool][cool]
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Are the fish on beds yet? Catch any with some weight to them?
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Just a question for you….I have never been the type who has felt the need or desire to hire a guide. Obviously, in your situation, hiring the guide helped you catch more fish. And, I am sure that in many situations a guide could do the same for me…but, I have always felt that part of the allure of fishing was the challenge of learning how to catch fish under different circumstances, on different waters, and in totally different environments. Anyways, now that you have learned some of this particular guide's tricks…what is the allure for you to use his services again? Do you normally fish alone and are simply looking for a partner or a friend to fish with you? Why would you pay extra to go out with a guide on a local water when you could do it for far less on your own? I am not attacking you, but I just don't understand the mentality of those that do hire guide services….
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No worries man, I feel you. The reason I never have hired a guide before is the same reason you stated: I enjoy learning and exploring on my own. I have a friend who planned to come down and fish for over two months and I was planning on fishing with him out of our pontoon boats. The day before he came down, he texted me and said that he hired a guide -- his treat. I had no intention of saying no and I doubt anyone here (except that dumb ass in my sig) would say no either. It was a riot.
I want to go again because it was a lot of fun, he has a super nice boat, his knowledge is fantastic, and I don't mind spending money to have fun. It was also really refreshing not having to worry about gear, boat, gas, food, etc.
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sounds like a good time! I'd never hire a guide but for bass newbs I'd say a guide can definitely be worth it... sand hollow is probably the easiest place to catch bass but if you aren't too familiar with bass fishing with various techniques for certain times of year and temps etc,, it can feel like fishing in a desert or on the moon. where are the pics? I love bass pics!
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I feel the same way. However, I did hire a guide on Flaming Gorge to take me and a buddy burbot fishing. I'm glad I did. Navigating a big lake at night can be treacherous even with GPS. That was 6 months ago and I still have burbot in the freezer. He put us on fish, lots of fish. The nasty, stinky slime was all over his livewells and not mine. Worth every penny.
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My sincere and heart felt condolences in having to spend a day in a confined space with Greg !! I had to work with him and that was just awful, but to have to spend hours less than 20 ft. from him in a confined space, HORRORS !! Really, Greg is a great guy. He has worked very very hard to learn his craft, going from a slimer procurer to a pursuer of fine piscatorial pursuits. Glad you had a great day on the water !! Greg, SMILE when you read this !! One of these years I come down there and teach you how to do it Ha Ha !!
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That sounds like a really awesome trip man I'm jealous! Also living 10 minutes away from Sand Hollow is pretty killer too. Were you very far off with your own tactics you were trying compared to what he was having you do? I've only had the pleasure of fishing Sand Hollow once a few years ago for a youth tournament but it was a really good time. Thanks for the report
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Well, crap. I live on the UT/ID border, and now I'm feeling the itch to wander down south looking for buckets...
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Same. Though I'm a masochist and am going to go try for them up here today [:/] I'll probably wish that I'd pestered some slimers instead.
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Yeah right sure, I'll bet the guy even smelled like fish. Wait, is that bad for a guide? Or you marital proposals even?[pirate]
But really - not too shabby. So what did you catch, planter bows, bluegill? [crazy][shocked][:p]
But hitting it hard, and only caught one ONE fish? Dave, sorry - but how do I put this, you must suck it bad bro! And this is coming from the guy who caught nothing but mudcats for many years, before changing the dial. Only a dumb-bass would pass up a free guided trip.
So did ya learn things that you think will help you improve your own catching ratio? Maybe plugging in the fish finder and putting the transducer so it points down instead of skyward? [:/] Teehee.
But with all sincerity - sounds like a good opportunity, time well spent. Thanks for sharing, but I'm sure the doubters gonna doubt. To each his own.
Thanks for sharing all them rocking pix. I know how hard it is to get the shots when you're busy baiting and tying one on and all that. Maybe next time.
Now I'm sure you have the DVR set to record all the GC action so you could catch up later, commercial free, just skip to the good parts.
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Here, ya big cry baby...!
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If you find yourself longing for your new man friend, you can just watch this:
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[quote wormandbobber]Just a question for you….I have never been the type who has felt the need or desire to hire a guide. Obviously, in your situation, hiring the guide helped you catch more fish. And, I am sure that in many situations a guide could do the same for me…but, I have always felt that part of the allure of fishing was the challenge of learning how to catch fish under different circumstances, on different waters, and in totally different environments. Anyways, now that you have learned some of this particular guide's tricks…what is the allure for you to use his services again? Do you normally fish alone and are simply looking for a partner or a friend to fish with you? Why would you pay extra to go out with a guide on a local water when you could do it for far less on your own? I am not attacking you, but I just don't understand the mentality of those that do hire guide services….[/quote]
Why does Tiger Woods or other professional athletes hire trainers? I've never hired a guide per se either, but I've fished many large tournaments with anglers far better than myself on unfamiliar waters as well as what I consider home lakes. In essence guided trips without the price tag. More often than not I had it handed too me by anglers who are simply were better fisherman. Sometimes it's a blow to ones ego, but it sped up the learning curve ten fold. Often times it's simply witnessing someone having success on a bait or with a technique you have tried but wasn't sure if you were doing it right. In other words if ya have never done it, then ya won't understand it.
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[quote Needakickerfish]
Why does Tiger Woods or other professional athletes hire trainers?[/quote]
I guess if I were relying on fishing tournaments to make a living, I might worry about a guide….
….as it is, guide services might speed up the learning process, but I would rather learn the process on my own or together with family!
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[quote TroutBumDave]Here, ya big cry baby...![/quote]
Hey now, ya don't gotta make fun of my waistline, just cuz I wanna get a look at yer bass!