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Cutler Flotilla 3 Interest Survey
Hey several of the BFT members have been discussing a Flotilla 3 on Cutler... We are looking at (June 7th edit), with a float down the river from the upper Benson launch to the Benson Marina fishing along the way with maybe food at the end of the stream... Area floated has Channel Cats, Walleye, Large and Small mouth Bass, Bluegill, Crappie and various other species including the the Rocky Mountain Tarpon (AKA carpzilla).... Trip is usually fun, recommend having a boat or float tube or pontoon, however an inner tube with life jacket will work or you can usually find a spot in someone else's boat if ya want... River current will carry you from end to end almost, but we can tow ya to the end if needed.. Anyway the question is how many are interested in such a venture and will this date work for the greatest number of possible participants??? Let us know your thoughts?? Later J
I was a member of the first one and on your boat Jeff. I dont have a boat at the time, but would be interested if i can hitch a ride on a boat. It was a fun day...
Sounds good, but you need to bring your son if he can make it. We can figure out boats as we get closer, if nothing else I have a canoe connection so we should have room. That was fun having you along on the maiden voyage. Hope to see ya then. J
So just anyone can do it?
Sure this is a chance to put a face to the handles and also learn a new area to fish. You're welcome to join us. J
Ok me and two boys are in... Cant wait[cool]
Well, you have to know the secret handshake, but other than that - it's a free river.
I mean really - there's no launch fee.

When we've tried to organize 'em before, lots of interest, then it paired down to those that actually showed. Of course - weather was kinda crappy for us. Hopefully hoping for better this time.

I was just telling Jeff the weekend of the 31st is a challenge for me. So possibly consider moving it out one week to June 7th. The weekend before (Memorial weekend) isn't good for Jeff, and likely various family/camping events would compete.
BUT - I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. I'll let momma nature do that. BUT - one might hope by June she'll be done hailing on us!

All input is welcome.
Tom that sounds great, hey will the week after work for you? John has a scheduling issue on the 31st. Thanks J
any time before July 8 works good for me and the boys, thats the date I ship him off...
Tom, what happened to the nice ride of yours? Don't tell me the twins finally swiped it from ya? (You needn't answer here)

Been out after any cats? Maybe we'll find some this time around. Hope we can get your boys into some fish. Sure to be a good adventure in any case.
Well we should be able to make that date, I hope the boys get to have a great time and make a few great memories along the way. We will get more info out as it gets closer. J
Sounds like a fin time I can make it the 7th but the rest of June is packed.
I think the 7th will be the day. Forgot it was free fish day, shouldn't be an issue for increased crowds where we will be going its not a high traffic area. Hope you can make it; I enjoy your posts and would be great to meet ya. More info will follow as we get closer. J
Hey I would like to join this fun fishing adventure. I have a 9 foot toon that I am looking to get outfitted with my motor and battery. I also have a 16 foot aluminum canoe if an extra boat is needed. just let me know. Thanks, Chris
Thanks Chris sounds great! Will be nice to meet ya. Toon will be excellent! If I didn't need the boat for room I'd toon it myself. See ya there. J
Jeff - Very interested in this trip. Sounds like if the weather cooperates it could be lots of fun. Have had several people tell me Cutler was very shallow in most places. The only boat I have is my 14' Lund, 15 HP Merc 4 stroke. With just me and my junk it only drafts about 1' of water, and I can lock my motor up in shallow drive. My concern, will it be shallower than that? 2' deep I'm OK, 3' or more I'm a happy camper. Not as quiet as a toon or tube or canoe, but not too bad throttled down going slow.
Second, if launched at one spot and out at a different spot, how do I get vehicle and trailer to pull out spot?
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Very good questions, water should be deep enough unless we get out of the channel and we will try to be there to lead through the tight spots. You should be fine.

We will leave a shuttle vehicle at the end of the float to run back to get our trucks. It's a couple miles at most. We will get that covered by game time. I think you'll enjoy this trip I enjoy it everytime its a great area. Be good to see ya there. J
Now this sounds like fun. I'm interested and may even have another yak for someone to use. I'm still new(er) to the area so forgive my ignorance but this area is near Logan? how long of a float are we talking about and do we need to provide a shuttle?

Since this is an interest survey, let me say that I'm interested! This timing coincides with my normal floats down the river and I would like to put some faces to the names. If its on the 7th it will work for me. Only condition for me is that two or three of my kids would want to come with me. Nice to have my boat full anyway.
OK Jeff, I'm planning on it. Hoping to get one of my sons to go with me. But if not, I'll have room for 1 person in my Tin Can.[fishin]

Looking forward to it.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

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