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Our Turkey Hunt
The wife and I were finally able to get out and try for a turkey after work Thurs. evening. We had done a little scouting earlier and had found a flock that had 1 tom, 4 jakes and 1/2 dozen hens. We had permission to hunt the small piece of property so we decided to purchase a couple OTC tags. We were set up about 6 and shortly after had several hens enter the field and start feeding. Shortly before 8, I got a response from behind us coming down the ridge. I snuck a peek thru the window out the back of the Primos blind and here come two Jakes bee lining it toward our pretty boy decoy. I told the wife they were both jakes, she said we have never taken a jake before and if she had the chance she would take one. They came to within 25 yards and she popped the largest one and then handed me the 870 and I rolled the 2nd jake at about 35 yards as he was headed out thru the sage brush. All and all a great hunt with the best partner a guy could have.

Wow what a great evening . Thanks for sharing .

I think I have more fun calling birds in for my wife and watching her fill a tag [Smile]
Thanks Bud didn't know if you were still around haven't seen you post for awhile. These are the first Jakes we have ever taken we cooked up 1/2 a breast for dinner last night and I think they are a little more tender than the big toms. I take and cut the breast into finger steaks, lightly brown them in olive oil for a couple minutes, pour in a can of creamed chicken and mushroom soup add a little pepper and turn heat down to simmer for about an hr. and a half or so. Then pour it over mash potatoes, man that's good. We do our pheasant the same way. We are talking about headed back to Wis. next spring and try for the bigger Eastern version I guess they have alot of them around home now.
Those look like Rios that you and Steph have, I would have thought the country you are hunting in would have the Merraims or do they have both up where you hunt?
Nope those are Merriam's. As far as I know that's all that's in the Clearwater region.
I've enclosed a picture of a pair of toms Brenda and I got a couple years ago, hers is on the right, mine is on the left side. I was told mine was a Merriams and hers was a Rio. A CO told me that the Merriams are more white on the tips of their tail and back feathers than the Rios and that the the white bars on their wing feathers are wider than the black bars, he said it was just the opposite on the Rios. You can see the difference between the two birds in the picture. Maybe I was given some wrong information. [crazy] The other pictures are suppose to be Rios. Maybe some one else will chime in with better info than I have, no matter what, they are they sure are alot of fun to hunt.[Smile]
Freak'n congrats...... good too see you two got your birds after the "encounter".....
Thanks Matt, headed to Flaming Gorge this coming week for two day tournament. There is usually a huge turnout. They use to limit it to 300 teams but I've heard they have raised that.
There are Merriams and Easterns in the Clearwater counrty, especially around Dworshak. There are Rios in eastern Washinton, and some may have moved in to Idaho. Just thinking out loud...

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