05-24-2014, 09:20 PM
Seems every boat I saw yesterday was hauling in fish. Well my saga has to start back about few years ago. My little 14' Lund has most of it's weight in the stern (motor, & me, being the heaviest) and when I'm in the boat alone which is 95% of the time, the bow won't sit down on the water and at higher speeds or windy conditions, well that just ain't good. So about 5 years ago, maybe more, I found a boulder close to the shore line in the WB north marina that was just big enough for me to pick up and hoist over the bow gunnel. I took it home, built a frame for it to prevent it from rocking around and banging up the insides of the boat and front bench. Since then it has worked quite well as a "ballast" to keep the front end down. Last weekend when I planned to give Benson Marina a try, and being concerned with probable shallow water, and not needing to run above a wakeless speed, I took that boulder out. I'm a bit older and more worn out since I originally put that rock in my boat. After getting it out, I just knew I was not going to be able to lift it back in.
[inline "(0229) willard boulder.jpg"]
Thursday after work I had made a quick run up to WB, caught a few, and headed home. But knew that planning to return Friday (yesterday) morning, I really needed to get some form of ballast back in the bow. Just so happens I had some of those Tubes of sand that I purchased for a project for the wife. Being handy, and only weighing about 40 lbs. each, I stacked 3 of them in my boat Thursday evening. (reason for all this history will be obvious later) OK, Friday morning breaks in a little overcast, light breeze, but forecast to be nice day. Got on the water before full sun up.
[inline "(0221) 0620 23 May 2014 WB South Launch.jpg"]
Launch ready 0620 AM
[inline "(0222) 0630 On the water.jpg"]
On the water, running north-west past the buoys. (I think the depth reading "blinked" just as I took the shot)
Now maybe 9.6 mph isn't fast to the bigger boats on the water, but that's about my top speed in light chop with a 15 hp motor. Important thing, the bow is down just about where it should be to keep the front from "wallowing" . May need one more sand bag.
Now the fun starts. In the 9 minutes it took me to get out of the south marina, run out to the 10-11 foot depth I wanted, and get my 2 lines out, my first "fish on" was almost immediate.
[inline "(0223) 0639 Wiper #_1.jpg"]
[inline "(0223a) Wiper # 1.jpg"]
Wiper #1
As quick as the first one hit, the next one took about 4 hours....
[inline "(0223b) 0811 Lite chop no Bugs.JPG"]
Sun up nice, getting warm, light chop just enough to keep the bugs away... then it got really calm.......
[inline "(0223c) 1000 calm as glass.....jpg"]
and BUGGY....!
[inline "(0223d) BUGS !.jpg"] I keep some head nets on the boat, just for use at Willard.....
About the time it went dead calm, I was running north thru Freeway Bay, hit next 2 fish back to back in short interval. 2 nice Eyes. One on a chrome and black Rat-L-Trap, one on a chrome, blue, orange Rat-L-Trap.
[inline "(0224) 1132 Walleye #1.JPG"]
Walleye # 1 1132 AM
[inline "(0225) 1140 Walleye # 2.jpg"]
Walleye # 2 1140 AM
At this point I would have been quite happy to call it a day. In fact I decided to troll up toward the north marina outlet, make a left and head south straight down the middle. Run at a fast troll with lines in the water, but not expecting to hook up anything. Before I can finish my left turn and speed up just south of the north marina, BAM ! One rod did a HARD bendo, almost looked like a fiberglass horseshoe, and the 100 yards of brand new 12 lb. Clear Blue Stren line got about 80 yards stripped off before I could get the drag set down.
OK, not the state record, but the second largest Wiper ever hauled in on my boat. A swimming pig with lots of attitude.
[inline "(0226) 1248 3lb. 10 oz. Wiper #2.jpg"]
3 pounds 10 ounce 20 inches
[inline "(0226b) Wiper # 2 scale close up.JPG"]
[inline "(0226e) Wiper # 2.JPG"]
Wiper # 2
Now this brute was so big and pulled so hard, before I could get it in the net, it pulled my boat around in about a 270 degree circle, wrapped my second line around the boat, and twisted it up so bad with the line it was on, had to cut the line, toss the twisted up 15 or 20 feet, and reset the rod and snap swivel.
Got my lines all sorted out, my pictures taken, the fish in the live well. Then just sat a few minutes to catch my breath. Best natural adrenalin rush I can think of.
Got started up again, pointed south, 2 lines out, running about 3.5 to 4.0 mph. Noticing the wind beginning to pick up from the south west. About decided to slow down, pull in my lines, and that's when Willard Bay decided, as only Willard Bay can, that I had not had quite enough excitement yet.
A DOUBLE ! Now that's not a "never happen before thing" but it's always been when there was someone else on the boat. This time, just me. Both rods singing the drag stripping opera. Best I could do, set one drag down tight at risk the fish breaking off, reel in the other one. OK reeled in first one, Wiper #3. Reeled in second one, Catfish #1. So I covered several of the WB species.
[inline "(0227) 1345 Double hit Wiper #3 Cat #1.JPG"]
Got these 2 into the live well, increased wind was moving on me quick. Dropped my sun top, secured everything, hunkered forward and went to full throttle direct into the wind. Fortunate in 2 ways, I had put those sand bags in the bow, and the wind was blowing directly from the way I needed to go, so I could head into it bow first. Not have to fight a broadside wind. Throttled up, front end climbed up on the headwind a bit, and I scooted for the south marina.
A good day. The final count 3 Wiper, 2 Walleye, 1 Cat, and safe arrival back at the dock.
[inline "(0228) 1500 23 May 2014 Final.jpg"]
Was planning to go to Cutler again today, but weather was rather iffy when I got up. Decided to stay home get some chores caught up. Hope to get out again on Monday.
And speaking of Monday, it's Memorial Day ! So to all of you that are past and present Military members, THANK YOU for your unselfish service to this great nation. THANK YOU for the sacrifices you and those before you have made.
USAF Retired
[inline "(0229) willard boulder.jpg"]
Thursday after work I had made a quick run up to WB, caught a few, and headed home. But knew that planning to return Friday (yesterday) morning, I really needed to get some form of ballast back in the bow. Just so happens I had some of those Tubes of sand that I purchased for a project for the wife. Being handy, and only weighing about 40 lbs. each, I stacked 3 of them in my boat Thursday evening. (reason for all this history will be obvious later) OK, Friday morning breaks in a little overcast, light breeze, but forecast to be nice day. Got on the water before full sun up.
[inline "(0221) 0620 23 May 2014 WB South Launch.jpg"]
Launch ready 0620 AM
[inline "(0222) 0630 On the water.jpg"]
On the water, running north-west past the buoys. (I think the depth reading "blinked" just as I took the shot)
Now maybe 9.6 mph isn't fast to the bigger boats on the water, but that's about my top speed in light chop with a 15 hp motor. Important thing, the bow is down just about where it should be to keep the front from "wallowing" . May need one more sand bag.
Now the fun starts. In the 9 minutes it took me to get out of the south marina, run out to the 10-11 foot depth I wanted, and get my 2 lines out, my first "fish on" was almost immediate.
[inline "(0223) 0639 Wiper #_1.jpg"]
[inline "(0223a) Wiper # 1.jpg"]
Wiper #1
As quick as the first one hit, the next one took about 4 hours....
[inline "(0223b) 0811 Lite chop no Bugs.JPG"]
Sun up nice, getting warm, light chop just enough to keep the bugs away... then it got really calm.......
[inline "(0223c) 1000 calm as glass.....jpg"]
and BUGGY....!
[inline "(0223d) BUGS !.jpg"] I keep some head nets on the boat, just for use at Willard.....
About the time it went dead calm, I was running north thru Freeway Bay, hit next 2 fish back to back in short interval. 2 nice Eyes. One on a chrome and black Rat-L-Trap, one on a chrome, blue, orange Rat-L-Trap.
[inline "(0224) 1132 Walleye #1.JPG"]
Walleye # 1 1132 AM
[inline "(0225) 1140 Walleye # 2.jpg"]
Walleye # 2 1140 AM
At this point I would have been quite happy to call it a day. In fact I decided to troll up toward the north marina outlet, make a left and head south straight down the middle. Run at a fast troll with lines in the water, but not expecting to hook up anything. Before I can finish my left turn and speed up just south of the north marina, BAM ! One rod did a HARD bendo, almost looked like a fiberglass horseshoe, and the 100 yards of brand new 12 lb. Clear Blue Stren line got about 80 yards stripped off before I could get the drag set down.
OK, not the state record, but the second largest Wiper ever hauled in on my boat. A swimming pig with lots of attitude.
[inline "(0226) 1248 3lb. 10 oz. Wiper #2.jpg"]
3 pounds 10 ounce 20 inches
[inline "(0226b) Wiper # 2 scale close up.JPG"]
[inline "(0226e) Wiper # 2.JPG"]
Wiper # 2
Now this brute was so big and pulled so hard, before I could get it in the net, it pulled my boat around in about a 270 degree circle, wrapped my second line around the boat, and twisted it up so bad with the line it was on, had to cut the line, toss the twisted up 15 or 20 feet, and reset the rod and snap swivel.
Got my lines all sorted out, my pictures taken, the fish in the live well. Then just sat a few minutes to catch my breath. Best natural adrenalin rush I can think of.
Got started up again, pointed south, 2 lines out, running about 3.5 to 4.0 mph. Noticing the wind beginning to pick up from the south west. About decided to slow down, pull in my lines, and that's when Willard Bay decided, as only Willard Bay can, that I had not had quite enough excitement yet.
A DOUBLE ! Now that's not a "never happen before thing" but it's always been when there was someone else on the boat. This time, just me. Both rods singing the drag stripping opera. Best I could do, set one drag down tight at risk the fish breaking off, reel in the other one. OK reeled in first one, Wiper #3. Reeled in second one, Catfish #1. So I covered several of the WB species.
[inline "(0227) 1345 Double hit Wiper #3 Cat #1.JPG"]
Got these 2 into the live well, increased wind was moving on me quick. Dropped my sun top, secured everything, hunkered forward and went to full throttle direct into the wind. Fortunate in 2 ways, I had put those sand bags in the bow, and the wind was blowing directly from the way I needed to go, so I could head into it bow first. Not have to fight a broadside wind. Throttled up, front end climbed up on the headwind a bit, and I scooted for the south marina.
A good day. The final count 3 Wiper, 2 Walleye, 1 Cat, and safe arrival back at the dock.
[inline "(0228) 1500 23 May 2014 Final.jpg"]
Was planning to go to Cutler again today, but weather was rather iffy when I got up. Decided to stay home get some chores caught up. Hope to get out again on Monday.
And speaking of Monday, it's Memorial Day ! So to all of you that are past and present Military members, THANK YOU for your unselfish service to this great nation. THANK YOU for the sacrifices you and those before you have made.
USAF Retired
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
Or so it says on my license plate holder