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Fun Times with Sturgeon
[#484848]With a little help from kentofnsl, we lit out for Bruneau reservoir in Idaho, to check on friends who were fishing for Sturgeon.[/#484848]
[#484848]We tried some Crappie fishing. There were a gazillion of them but they were small. Smallmouth fishing was good and they were taking anything that you threw at them.[/#484848]
[#484848]We spent a lot of time with our friends below CJ Strike, and at the time we left today they had landed 15. The largest was a tie with two of them at 7' 6".[/#484848]
[#484848]I can see how you could get addicted to this, when you wade down to one of these prehistoric fish that are older than me, measure her, turn her over and watch her swim away after a tough battle.[/#484848]
[#484848]That is truly something special.[/#484848]
[#484848]By the way kentofnsl, the bridge is out right at the present time.[/#484848]
[#484848]Thanks for you help.[/#484848]
[Smile]Thanks for the report. I know there are a few here addictied to those fish.[cool]
Sorry didn't see your post before now. Glad i could help in my small way. Can't wait to get up there myself.
Thats awesome! 7'6"! Cant imagine what its like to hook into something that big in freshwater. Did you use whole crappie as bait? Seen lots of pics from up there but never in person. I would like to just see one. Thats on my to catch list for sure. Might be lucky enough to stay at a friends cabin in island park this year, maybe i can try then.
[#484848]The bait of preference was a Chiselmouth minnow about one foot in length.[/#484848]

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