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On Saturday June 7 we will be having a little get together on the Bear River and Cutler Reservior near Logan. We will be launching at the Ballard Bridge launch and float / drift with current / motor down stream to Cutler Reservoir. Plan on fishing from end to end. Will need something that floats like a boat, toon, tube, yak or whatever (see below for option if you don't have a float). River will be in runoff mode, but its a slow lazy river so we will need to respect it, but it isn't like the ones in the canyons. Plan on fishing for cats, eyes, lm & sm bass, crappie, blue gill, and other warm water species. We will try to stir up a little food towards the end of the float and we will pull out at the Benson marina. Plan on a 7:00 AM launch and finish around noon. If you are coming and have extra room in your craft and wouldn't mind meeting a fellow BFT er it would be great to let others know so they can make arrangements with you. This will give non floaters a chance to join in as well. We will pass under 2 bridges and with the water being high it might be hard to get high boats under the bridges. Will try to get a clearance measurement before so you know if there will be an issue. Lot of stuff I have probably forgotten so I'll fill in other info as we get closer. Please let us know if you plan on joining us so we can know how many to plan for. Thanks Jeff
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I'll be there with a full boat. It will be a fun trip as usual. Are you try to scare up some eats like a pot luck lunch?
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You know I'm in, already marked on the calendar. Hope we have weather like this past weekend! I stored some smoked kitty to share - can divy out some at the start so folks can nibble while they float. A pot luck at the end would be fun too.
Here's the map again.
You didn't mention the Golden Tarpon!
[inline "BearCutler Floatilla.JPG"]
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Hey Rod glad you can make it, and the pot luck may be the best way to go, I have lined up my parents yard on the east shore of Cutler where we can cook up some viddles. We will have some picnic tables and shade and a spot to stretch our legs. I'll get my camp chef set up in there ahead of time and we can stop in and cook up some fish tacos or whatever all are interested in. It seemed like the tacos worked fairly well last year, should we do that again? Thanks J
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John, will plan on you. Have you decided if you'll be bringing your boat? I think CV and his son were going to float along with me, but I could fit one more if your float isn't up and running yet.
Looking for ideas on pot luck, suggestions are welcome. Last time we cooked up some bass and walleye and made tacos and luckily we didn't rely on fresh catch so we didn't go hungry. Thanks for the reminder on getting the invites out. Later J
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I think the fish tacos are a great idea and then we can add sides and what ever anyone wants to bring.
If anyone has some fish they can bring just in case we don't catch enough, that would be awesome. What do we need for spices and wraps?
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Rod I guess we might want someone to bring tortillas flour and corn soft shells are a little easier to keep the goods inside. If someone has a favorite spice and coating maybe they could bring that. I use pancake mix and spices its good but always different since I don't measure but I'm willing to bring it. We could also use some good pico and shredded cabbage. If someone has a sauce mix and salsa would be good. I use spicey Italian salad dressing. Sounds weird but really tastes good on fish tacos. Anyway I think you brought that salsa mix with corn in last year. That was great to garnish the tacos with. Anyway why don't we let everyone pick and add to a master list here and we can tell what else might be needed. Thanks Rod. Oh I will have a griddle and Dutch oven and oil for cooking fish and heating tortillas. Later J
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Me and the two boys were hoping to make it, if we can find a spot on a boat. If not, we can always fish from shore then meet up at the feed at the end.
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I am definitely in. I will be bringing my canoe and quite possibly a friend (hopefully of the female variety). Are we planning on all meeting at the launch ramp and then shuttling back from the marina to the launch as was discussed earlier? It sounds like a great time and hopefully my gf can join us. I will be coming back from bountiful the day before for it so if for some reason things change at the last minute would someone kindly call or email me I would appreciate it. I will send one of you a p.m. with my contact info. Thanks again, Chris
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Do you think a 17' Crestliner with windshield would fit under the bridges? 5' would be enough I think. If not I guess I could meet up at the reservoir. Is that too big of a boat? would I be better off in a tube? I have never been on that river.
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CV I have room for all 3 of ya, my boat isn't very fancy but it should carry us down the creek. I think John has his boat running and I think he had plans of taking his son last I heard, but we will get your crew in with us somewhere. J
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Thanks Jeff, after the boys latched into those nice cats this past weekend, they are super pumped for this trip...
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I think the boat will be fine, it will depend on river level and we will check close to float time. Most of the time yes you'll be okay but if the water is really high maybe not. I run a 16' and don't have a problem other than fish rods have to be laying down. Most likely sun shades will need to be down as well. Glad you can make it. J
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Good deal those big cats are fun to catch. I'm addicted to the tugs. We'll see ya then. Thanks J
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[quote SkunkedAgain]John, will plan on you. Have you decided if you'll be bringing your boat? I think CV and his son were going to float along with me, but I could fit one more if your float isn't up and running yet.
Cvfisher? He's the only northerner I know. Any chance of me getting on that boat?
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Might be a little crowded but we can figure something out if you would like to try it. Thanks J
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no #1 son this time around. That's another tail to tell. So with that - I would have room for at least one, if anyone's interested. I have put the seats on pedestals, so bit more comfy on the knees.
Won't be the fastest boat in the fleet, but the Galactica will look out for us. Maybe if I can run lead, might have a chance for some carp shoots before the disturbance chases them off!
And if Gertrude isn't in a good mood - there always current, the kindness of friends, and - well oars. [blush]
Actually spend more time running the electric than much else. Battery to spare - I'll be ready by then four shore. I have an electric turkey fryer, but sounds like your camp-chef riggins should have that covered. Maybe we can work out a cooler drop off the day before at your folks, some fixins we don't gotta drag down the river.
Might be nice to have some iced beve's to rehydrate after a day in the sun. I don't have a bikini top (and the photo ops will be glad for THAT!). Chips and dip cant go wrong. I can probably offer up some fillets - cat, carp, crappie. Ok - bass not carp.... suckers!
looking forward to it. Thanks Jeff!
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Thanks John, and don't worry about the power factor current will do the work except for the last little ways and I have a tug boat to get the non powered to home port.
About that carp thing, Rod passed on some info about the Carpalousa or what ever they call that big carp shoot and its the same day so we will likely have to do a little creative ramp work for parking, but we have some property east of the marina so we should be ok if we don't have enough parking at the marina we'll just park there.
Should be fine to drop off coolers and supplies at my folks ahead of time, maybe even the morning of. Lets try to not pack anymore in the boats than we have to, so we can enjoy the fishing trip.
Is anyone connected with sponsors that might be willing to kick in prizes for the biggest fish or most species caught during the float. Maybe that BFT hat that was supposed to be up for grabs at the white fish fest last December??? Not needed but might be fun and yes I still want that BFT hat. Later J
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Chris, yes we will work out a shuttle thing from end to end so everyone gets taken care of. There's not a ton of parking at the upper ramp so we may shuttle before we launch. Have fun till then. Later J
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I'm in. May have room for another. I'll know a day or two before hand.