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Utah Disabled Veterans Fishing Event 2014 - Non Boaters needed
in the last couple years we have had some veterans that do not want to go out on a boat but want to fish from shore. I would like to provide them with the same type of experience the folks on the boats get. What I mean is I'd like to as for a few volunteers ( 4 or 5) that are skilled at catching fish from shore at Strawberry to act as guides for the 4 or 5 veterans we will have that like to fish from shore. Please send me a PM with your information if you would like to volunteer.

Thank you,
Sunrise on the water
We're still looking for some Bank Tanglers as Tube Dude puts it, to act as guides for some of the disabled veterans that want to fish from shore.
Sunrise on the water
Still need a few of you bank fishing experts. Tye Dye Twins, where are you?
Sunrise on the water
[quote WET1]Still need a few of you bank fishing experts. Tye Dye Twins, where are you?[/quote]

I have always wondered if there was a place for non-boating volunteers.

Unfortunately I cannot attend this years event because my uncle is coming into town to do a magazine article for stand up paddling in the Uintas and my twin and I are the sherpa/guides for the crew. Otherwise I would be there in a heart beat!

I can PM you with the information to get into some fish, but my last trip up there a month ago yielded 15 planter rainbow trout that couldn't have been larger than 10 to 11 inches at best.

I know you are more looking for volunteer bodies to help out though. Hope all goes well, I really wish I could have made it this year.
Any more boaters needed?
Yep, send me a PM with your info.
Sunrise on the water
Sounds like a fun weekend for you, enjoy that.
Sunrise on the water
I may be able to bring the boat and help out now that it's finally running really well. What weekend is this held? What are some things you have seen as helpful from the boaters?
Hi, glad you are getting things running better. Please check out the other post for the boater information. There is an attachment with all the info you need.

Thanks for volunteering.
Sunrise on the water

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