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Bass'n Pineview
Did some topwater bass fishing on Pineview last Thursday and did Very well. Some of the biggest smallmouth that I have caught. If I did it right here is a pic 16-20 inch
Nice not so smallie. Looks like fun!!! Thanks J
I also went to PV over the weekend and SMB are fun a hell, better than LMB in my opinion...Jordanelle also has some of the nicest Smallies there...

Great report!!!
So I haven't tried top water fishing before what do you use and how do you fish it. PM would be fine if you dont want it broadcast, and you wouldn't mind sharing it with me? I fish other areas so I won't be competing for your fish. Thanks J
I was experimenting with a new lure that I was asked to use. Had no idea what I was doing. So I was walking the dog on top. That was 1 of 4 that I caught. I lost 3 others that big and bigger at the shore line..
Jordanelle has some very nice smallmouth also. I have never fished there myself.
I do want to catch a 4+ lbs smallmouth so I can mount it.. and put it with my other trophies.. so Jordanelle is out of the picture for me of keeping one..
Tight Lines
I have been top water fishing for bass with my fly rod the last several weeks and have been having a blast. Top water bass is almost as fun as dry fly trout, maybe even more fun. I might have to give Pine View a try.

That would be awesome on a fly rod. One Hell of a fight..
I know in the past when the called Jordanelle, Lake "X"...cause everybody including myself caught hogs out of there...Ive caught and released 4 lbs +, Thats during the time when you couldn't keep anything over 12" Now that you can keep 1 over 12" I'm on a hunt to find the hogs I released in the past lol
Are you using poppers then? What is a good one to use? Thanks J
You can keep 1 over 12"?
Couple years ago I caught one pushing 5 lbs at Pineview. It still haunts me tell this day.
Now I want to go bass fishing tonight. Anyone want to go?
[quote PineviewFisher]You can keep 1 over 12"?
Couple years ago I caught one pushing 5 lbs at Pineview. It still haunts me tell this day.
Now I want to go bass fishing tonight. Anyone want to go?[/quote]

Yes sir...The biggest 1 I caught out the Nelle 5 years ago measured in at 25" with a 17" girth, still to this day is my biggest...Damn, that was the best fight EVER LOL
Wow that is huge. I would freak out..
If your 25 inch fish was a smallmouth, then it would have been a catch and release state record.
[#0000FF]Don't tell Bassrods.[/#0000FF]

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